United States or Guadeloupe ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I cannot believe it; it is altogether impossible! you are at all times and in all places boasting that you have such a rich and loving Master! Why don't you apply to him now." And the unseen face could not conceal his pleasure at this opportunity of testing a Christian.

In like manner it is his duty personally to supervise the connecting and arrangement of the gages, and the preliminary testing for leakage which can be carried out simultaneously with the vacuum test made upon the turbine casing. Where Thermometers are Required Equally important with the foregoing is the necessity of calibrating and testing of all thermometers used during a test.

The outfit told him that as yet they had seen no sign of The Terror. "Probably we won't," said one. Kid Wolf was not so optimistic. That night he borrowed two .45 Colt revolvers from the wagon-train supplies. He selected them with extreme care, testing them by shooting at marks. So accurate was his shooting that the men of the outfit could not conceal their admiration.

It was shoved along to a little clearing in front of the shed, where no trees would interfere with its possible upward movement. Everyone was bustling about. The professor was busiest of all. He went from one machine to another; from this apparatus to that, testing here, turning wheels there, adjusting valves and seeing that all was in readiness for the generating of the powerful gas.

He slowly moved his head back and forth under it and turned from side to side, now in the sunshine, now in the shade, feeling the shadow, as it were, testing it by sensation. I, too, was busy, trying to reason out how he was aware of the existence of so intangible a thing as a shadow.

"Well, then I thought she looked like a Mexican," went on Doctor Leslie. "It might be some new tropical disease. I confess I don't know. The fact is," he added, lowering his voice, "I had my own theory about it until a few moments ago. That was why I called you." "What do you mean?" asked Craig, evidently bent on testing his own theory by the other's ignorance.

The collapse of German philosophy always occurs at the beginning, rather than the end of an argument; and the difficulty here is that there is no way of testing which is a master-race except by asking which is your own race.

If a man is buying a rug, he wouldn't think of deciding on it because it was green, without testing its wearing qualities; but in nine cases out of ten a girl gets chosen because of her eyes. That's all I know about her. Pretty, isn't she?" "Pretty! Is that all the command you have of your native language? You ought to lose your job for that. Why she's never mind I haven't time now."

It was merely a matter of testing a hypothesis; and you ought not to have to ask that question," he added, with mock severity, "seeing that you had what turn out to have been all the necessary facts, two days ago. But I will prepare a document and demonstrate to you to-morrow morning." "So Miller was successful in his quest," said Thorndyke, as we smoked our morning pipes after breakfast.

Richard Cartwright, who had opportunities for testing British opinion, more especially among military officers, found a universal agreement that Canada was indefensible, and that separation had better take place, before rather than after war. So John Bright and the leaders of the British army had at last found a point in diplomacy and strategy on which they might agree.