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Then suddenly came from the audience the sound! It was less full, less strong, less intense than it had been at Covent Garden on the night of the first performance of Le Paradis Terrestre. But essentially it was the same sound. Charmian heard it and her lips grew pale.

"Are you an enemy of the great and only Jacques then?" said Mr. Crayford. "Monsieur Sennier? Oh, no! I was at the first performance of his Paradis Terrestre, and it altered my whole life." "Well, they like it over in New York. And I've got to find another Paradise to put up against it just as quick as I know how." "I do hope you'll be successful."

He had scarcely landed our visitor when enthusiastic ejaculations met our ears: "Mais c'est le Paradis terrestre ici!" "Quel pays de reve!" "Quel sejour enchanteur!"

As to MONDAIN, and "remark" upon it, the ghost of what was once a sparkle of successful coterie-speech and epistolary allusion, take this: "In the MONDAIN Voltaire had written, 'LE PARADIS TERRESTRE EST OU JE SUIS; and as the Priests made outcry, had with airs of orthodoxy explained the phrase away," as Friedrich now affects to do; obliquely quizzing, in the Friedrich manner.

"Qui ne void la Nouuelle France que par les yeux de chair et de nature, il n'y void que des bois et des croix; mais qui les considere auec les yeux de la grace et d'vne bonne vocation, il n'y void que Dieu, les vertus et les graces, et on y trouue tant et de si solides consolations, que si ie pouuois acheter la Nouuelle France, en donnant tout le Paradis Terrestre, certainement ie l'acheterois.

"Do you mean they are boisterous at Covent Garden?" said Hostatter, evidently surprised. "I always thought the Covent Garden audience was such a cold one." "Oh, no, I don't think so," said Charmian. She remembered the first night of Le Paradis Terrestre. Suddenly a chill ran all through her, as if a stream of ice-cold water had trickled upon her. "Really!" said Hostatter.

For the latest review of the evidence relating to the site of Paradise, see Boissier, "La situation du paradis terrestre", in Le Globe, t. But I need not now detain you by going over this familiar ground.

D'où la physique céleste, ou l'astronomie, soit géométrique, soit mechanique; et la physique terrestre." Here then we have inorganic physics clearly divided into celestial physics and terrestrial physics the phenomena presented by the universe, and the phenomena presented by earthly bodies.

For the first time she really understood something of the renunciation which must make up so large a part of every true artist's life. Sometimes she wondered what Madame Sennier's life had been while Jacques Sennier was composing Le Paradis Terrestre, how long he had taken in the creation of that stupendous success. Then resolutely she turned to her little manuals.

Mysteriously, as the day drew near for the first performance of this work, which was called Le Paradis Terrestre, the inner circles of the musical world were infected with an unusual excitement.