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If a faithful account was rendered of man's ideas upon the Divinity, he would be obliged to acknowledge, that for the most part the word Gods has been used to express the concealed, remote, unknown causes of the effects he witnessed; that he applies this term when the spring of natural, the source of known causes ceases to be visible: as soon as he loses the thread of these causes, or as soon as his mind can no longer follow the chain, he solves the difficulty, terminates his research, by ascribing it to his gods; thus giving a vague definition to an unknown cause, at which either his idleness, or his limited knowledge, obliges him to stop.

Here terminates the adhikarana of 'wishes and the rest' There is non-restriction of determination, because this is seen; for there is a separate fruit, viz. non-obstruction. There are certain meditations connected with elements of sacrificial actions; as e.g. Moreover the statement referring to these meditations, viz.

With the notice of this feast the history terminates, and here the writer concludes with a single sentiment, that although a work of kindness wrought in the fear of God, as imparted by the Lord, the Spirit seldom produces such a manifest reward, as it did in the case of Mrs.

Its independence and prosperity were dear to him. If his character were degraded by some base crimes, it was, on the other hand, ennobled by public spirit and by an honourable ambition, A vice sanctioned by the general opinion is merely a vice. The evil terminates in itself. A vice condemned by the general opinion produces a pernicious effect on the whole character.

The violation of these is ever followed, sooner or later, in a greater or less degree, by painful consequences. Sometimes life is spared to the young mother, and she is allowed to linger on through years of suffering that the heart aches to think of. Often death terminates early her pains, and her babes are left a legacy to the cold charities of an unfeeling world.

Here, the railroad terminates; but, hence we may ride on, by an unbroken succession of enchanting bays, and beautiful scenery, sloping from the highest summit of Saint Angelo, the highest neighboring mountain, down to the water's edge among vineyards, olive-trees, gardens of oranges and lemons, orchards, heaped-up rocks, green gorges in the hills and by the bases of snow-covered heights, and through small towns with handsome, dark-haired women at the doors and pass delicious summer villas to Sorrento, where the poet Tasso drew his inspiration from the beauty surrounding him.

As the handle terminates in a point; it may be stuck into the ground, to give a light at a sufficient height to illuminate the surroundings. The hand lantern consists of a base, P, provided with three feet.

To this day we may read the course of Florentine art by studying its architecture and sculpture; and not the least of its many ornaments, in spite of all that may be said against it, is the "Perseus" of Cellini. Cellini completed the "Perseus" in 1554. His autobiography is carried down to the year 1562, when it abruptly terminates.

Such, Solomon says, is strife. When you begin to quarrel, you know not where it will end. It not unfrequently terminates in the death of one of the parties, as in the following case: A boy about eleven years of age, son of Mr. Philip Petty, of Westport, R. I., took his father's gun, as he said, to go a gunning. His elder brother attempted to take it from him.

Between Cape Mendocina and Humboldt Bay, on the northern limits of California, a grand collection of hills and mountains of every variety of size, shape, and form occurs. This grand group recedes in a gentle sweep from the coast far inland, where it terminates in a high conical mountain, overtopping the entire mass of pinnacles which cluster around it.