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The papyrus from which it was taken by the priests of Philae was wrested from the hand of the heroine herself. It is correct in form, and must be true: NE-NE-HOFRA. "There is no parallelism in human lives. "No life runs a straight line. "The most perfect life develops as a circle, and terminates in its beginning, making it impossible to say, This is the commencement, that the end.

And so this doctrine, running but a short career, like other dogmas of the day, terminates in nullification.

Here terminates the soc; the remainder of the hill is called El Kawar, or the place of graves, being the common burying ground of Tangier; the resting places of the dead are severally distinguished by a few stones arranged so as to form an oblong circle. Near Mokhfidh sleeps Sidi Gali; but the principal saint of Tangier lies interred on the top of the hill, in the centre of a small plain.

He is about forty years of age, and altogether unprepossessing in appearance; his face is bare, with the exception of a reddish beard, which terminates in a point; his forehead is furrowed with sinister looking wrinkles, his lips curl inward, and his ears protrude, while his bleared and bloodshot eyes are encircled with thick red rings.

That the text of the Kaushitakins mentions both thus explains itself, on the ground that the several declarations of what is really only one and the same matter are directed to different hearers. Here terminates the adhikarana of 'getting rid of. At departing; there being nothing to be reached.

The street terminates at the church of St. We retrace our steps, noting L. the old fountain at the corner of the Rue Pot de Fer, continue to the end of the Rue Mouffetard, and descend by the Rue Descartes, where at No. 50 is an inscription marking the site of the Porte St. Marcel called Porte Bordet.

"It is a faithful saying If we suffer with him, we shall also reign with him; If we deny him, he also will deny us." The Fear which terminates in the Second Death. Revelation xxi. 8. "The fearful shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone; which is the second death."

Not a bush or fern, hardly a tuft of any green thing, clothes its bare, scathed sides. It terminates precipitously on the sea at a height of 2000 feet.

In the Great Salt Desert, which extends from Kashan and Koum to the Deriah or "Sea" in which the Helmend terminates, and in the sandy desert of Seistan, which lies east and south-east of that lake, reaching from near Furrah to the Mekran mountains, plains of above a hundred miles in extent appear to occur, sometimes formed of loose sand, which the wind raises into waves like those of the sea, sometimes hard and gravelly, or of baked and indurated clay.

The nasal cavity of the dog, therefore, and of all carnivorous animals, terminates by a somewhat circular opening, more or less in the form of an ellipse.