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"Missy," Sam's voice brought her back to the present, "Massa done brunged yo' up ter ride, an' shoot, an' swim 'kase he wanted a boy so bad.

"We staked it months ago, and was called away, and now we has returned to it." "Well, I believe you both to be lying, and until you prove it's your claim you can't have it," was the bold reply. "Who's goin' ter say no?" "I am." "You!" "Yes." "Who is you?" "I am named William Frederick Cody." "You has handle enough." "I have more than that." "Waal." "I'm called Buffalo Billy."

"Can you find out what Winsome thinks herself?" "I can that, though she hasna a word to say to me that am far mair deservin' o' confidence than that muckle peony faced hempie, Meg, that an ill Providence gied me for a sis ter. Her keep a secret? the wind wad waft it oot o' her." Thus affectionately Jess. "But how can you find out, then?" persisted the young man, yet unsatisfied.

"Do you think I'd take money from Miriam Standish? Why " She stopped short in confusion, and covered her poor face with trembling hands. "I beg your pardon," said Ajax gravely, "I wouldn't hurt your feelings, Gloriana, for the world." She looked up, irresolutely. "I reckon I've said too much or too little," she said slowly. "Ye're both gen'lemen, an' ye've bin awful kind ter me.

She stopped till he had come up to her. 'Wot 'ave yer come aht again for? she said. 'I've come aht ter say good night to you, Liza, he answered. 'But yer said good night a moment ago. 'I wanted to say it again properly. 'Where's yer missus? 'Oh, she's gone in. I said I was dry and was goin' ter 'ave a drink after all. 'But she'll know yer didn't go ter the pub.

Ben wuz so 'stonish' dat he couldn' hoi' de boy, who slipped out'n his ban's an run to'ds de house ez fas' ez his legs would tote 'im. "Po' Ben kep' gittin' wus an' wus mixed up. He couldn' make out fer de life er 'im w'at could be de matter. Nobody didn' 'pear ter wanter own 'im.

"Why, Mandy, yo ought ter git er license ter preach, why you kin spit scripter lik er bon evangilis," and Teck Pervis reached over and slapped his wife upon the shoulder. This compliment from her husband stimulated the old lady to more earnest effort. "Now look er here," she continued. "What do them risticrats kere er bout the likes er we?

"Oh, <i>Mary!</i>" And Jane fairly flew up the walk to the kitchen door. A minute later she appeared, leading an old man, who was whimpering pitifully. "Home, Jane. I want ter go home." "Yes, dear, I know. We'll go."

"Den Brer Rabbit kick up a racket, like he wer' drivin' sumpin' out, en Mr. Buzzard he rush 'roun' fer ter ketch de squir'l, en Brer Rabbit, he dash out, he did, en he des fly fer home."

If you got holt o' one by good luck, you had ter keep holt, if 't was two years or twenty-two, or go without. I used ter be too proud ter go without; now I've got more sense, thanks be! Why don't you go to the city yourself, Vildy? Jabe Slocum ain't got sprawl enough to find out anythin' wuth knowin'." "I suppose I could go, though I don't like the prospect of it very much.