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Then Tamara remembered she was a lady, and that tenue was expected of her; so she turned to her friend gaily and said how she was enjoying the ball; but her fine nostrils quivered at intervals for the rest of the night. "Thank God!" she said to herself, when a few hours later she got into bed "Thank God! we are going tomorrow. I shall never see him again, and no one shall ever know."

Another was a little soul dressed in the "blue horizon" from head to foot, a homely little soul with an egg-shaped head, brown-green eyes, a retreating chin, and irregular teeth. The last, wearing the old tenue, black jacket and red trousers, was a good-looking fellow with rather handsome brown eyes.

The foregoing remarks apply exclusively to the tenue of the privates and non-commissioned officers; those of superior rank that I met were tolerably correct, both in dress and equipment; several, indeed, were mounted on really powerful chargers, and rode them not amiss, though with a seat as unprofessional as can be conceived.

Presently entered the "Rei dos Reis," Nessalla: the old man, whose appearance argued prosperity, was en grande tenue, the State costume of Tuckey's, not of Merolla's day.

He had heard that in America all public functionaries were the same, that there wasn't a different tenue, as they said in France, for different positions, and he wondered whether at Washington the President and ministers, whom he expected to see to HAVE to see a good deal of, would be like that. He was diverted from these speculations by the sight of Mr. and Mrs.

The second was in the Earl's dressing-room, from which he was emerging when his wife, looking scared, met him coming out in grande tenue through the district common to both, the room Earls and Countesses had occupied from time immemorial. He saw there was some excitement afoot, but was content to await the information he knew would come in the end.

"The insides of the minds of young girls one is never sure of, but the tenue should be correct at all costs, so that they may have something to uphold them as well as religion which is no longer so surrounding as it used to be." "Duchesse, I want someone who would love me passionately, and whom I could passionately love."

After a short interval, the Duchess, in the plenitude of her glory at entertaining her dear Queen's son, came up en grande tenue, leading the King by the hand, the Duke walking backwards in front, and his two sons each holding a big wax candle on either side. 'Here, Sire, is the chamber where the excellent Queen did me the honour to repose herself.

When the first acute spasm of delight at seeing his own physiognomy reflected in a mirror had passed, I suggested to the king that if he would like to try on his new garments I should be very pleased to instruct him as to the proper method of getting into them, an offer which he instantly accepted; and he would have donned the clothes there and then, in the presence of his guards, if I had not whisperingly hinted that it would be much more effective to get into them in the privacy of his own house and then reappear en grande tenue.

"I said purposely, 'some other class, instead of 'some class above it, for this reason: it is because a certain and ever-increasing number of your class, if I may say so, are snatching not, indeed, from the King but from all classes beneath them, manners and morals, and absence of tenue, and absence of pride things for which their class was not fitted.