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Well, one day, massa mind Ol' Cap's runnin' acrost in de rain an' in great state ob excitement to tell him his house done burnt up?" "Yes. What then?" "Dat day, massa, de letters had come from Massa Reuben out in Indy, an' massa's pipe kinder 'tracted Cap's 'tention, an' so he jist set down in massa's chair an' took a smoke.

All this was shouted by Mercer as we approached the cottage door, and had the effect of bringing out a stiff-looking, sturdy, middle-aged man with a short pipe in his mouth, which he removed, carried one hand to his forehead in a salute, and then stood stiff and erect before us, looking sharply at me. "Mornin', gentlemen," he said. "Morning," cried Mercer. "'Tention! Parade for introductions.

"Company, 'tention!" The soldiers straightened themselves in a second. "With ball cartridge, load!" It was done with the precision of a machine. Then the lieutenant spoke, in the same clear, crisp, tones that the troops had heard in more than one fierce battle.

He has his own ideas as to who he wants in the company, and what he says goes. It may be that the color o' your hair'll decide him, mebbe the look in your eyes, mebbe the shape o' your noses. 'Tention! Right dress! Front! Saloot!" Capt. McGillicuddy came down at the head of the company officers of the regiment, and took a comprehensive survey of the squad.

"That's a pity now," said O'Rorke; "but sure the Major would never have said no if you'd have asked him." He fitted the key into the lock and flung open the door of the cell. "Prisoner, 'tention," he said. Miss Willmot entered the small square room, lit by a single electric light. It was entirely bare of all furniture, save a single rug, which lay rolled up in a corner.

"We are going to talk to you, Genevieve Maud," she began, "ve-ry seriously, and we want you to pay 'tention and try to understand." This much was easy. Mamma usually opened her impressive addresses in such fashion. "'Pay 'tention and try to understand," echoed Genevieve Maud, and grinned in joyful interest. "Yes, really try," repeated Helen Adeline, firmly.

"An' you don't think that was nothin'?" she shrieked. "You don't understand me, my dear Madam," said Kingsley quickly. "I meant that it was no reason why you should continue to treat him so after he has suffered and is sorry. Of course you have got to control Bud." She softened and went on. "Wal it was mighty nigh a year befo' Bud paid any mo' 'tention to the cat.

The haughty old lady approved the girl's coldness, and nodded in agreement with Aunt Frony, who watched her young mistress's path with proprietary satisfaction. "She cert'nly do favor her paw; 'n she walks along tru all dem gen'lemen like Joseph tru dat co'nfiel' wif de sheaves a-bowin' befo' him, 'n he never pay no mo' 'tention to 'em 'n if dey jus' common roughness 'n no mo' do she!"

Henry himself could not repress a shudder. "We must run for it again," he said. "We could stay and fight, of course, but it's likely that the Indians are in large numbers." "If we could only shake off the hound," muttered Tom Ross. "Did you pay 'tention to his voice then, Henry? Did you notice how deep it was? I tell you that ain't no common dog."

I've nursed a good bit I was in Cuby last year, an' I was detailed for juty in the hospital more'n half my time," he went on, eagerly. "This here hand, it's bad, 'cause it's torn. Ef you had a cut o' that size, now, you wouldn't be payin' no 'tention to it.