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But this we say, that the French had only one alternative, to deprive him of the powers of first magistrate, or to ground their arms and submit patiently to foreign dictation. The events of the tenth of August sprang inevitably from the league of Pilnitz. The King's palace was stormed; his guards were slaughtered.

A great nobleman who has inherited a vast estate and a conspicuous social position will, through no fault of his own, find himself involved in constant difficulties and struggles on an income a tenth part of which would suffice to give a simple private gentleman every reasonable enjoyment in life.

A bill was prepared for this purpose, though not without warm opposition; and, at the same time, an act passed for a general pardon. On the tenth day of August, the king closed the session with a speech, in which he expressed his concern for the sufferings of the innocent, and a just indignation against the guilty, with respect to the South-Sea scheme.

I know that it's no excuse.... I know that you're thinking 'This is a very pretty story, but it's not her first theft'; ... and it's true it's the tenth, ... perhaps it's the twentieth.... It's true I am a thief." She paused, and the glow deepened in her eyes.

In the meantime, his own crop would go to destruction; sometimes a windy day would come, and not leave him every tenth grain; he'd then get some one to cut it down for him he had to go to the big house, to build the master's corn; he was then all bustle a great man entirely there was non such; would be up with, the first light, ordering and commanding, and directing the Squire's laborers, as if he was the king of the castle.

"Wives, papa," she said; "are always much better reporters though I grant," she added for Charlotte, "that fathers are not much better than husbands. He never," she smiled, "tells me more than a tenth of what you tell him; so I hope you haven't told him everything yet, since in that case I shall probably have lost the best part of it."

If this is a fair sample of the resistance that we have to expect, throughout the whole country, we shall need at least fifty thousand men to subdue them." "Fully that," Menou said, shortly. "There is no doubt that we blame the National Guards, who were so easily routed by the peasants on the tenth of March, more severely than they deserve.

A tenth part of the whole was set apart for the church, and for pious uses; a portion was next allotted to a sort of public treasury; a part was assigned to the widows and children of those who had fallen, or to be expended in masses for the souls of such as had left no surviving family.

But with Partridge, and your tutor, and your nurse by the by, I must not forget about her having to leave before long. You know about that your mother told me you did?" "Yes," I replied. "Pierson is to be married on the tenth of next month. But " I hesitated. "But what?" said Uncle Geoff. "I wish we needn't have a nurse.

I could not answer that, but I began to hurry. Suddenly I stopped. The moon had emerged above the trees on the opposite side of the river. It struck and illumined something white above me. I was standing exactly where I had stood on that fatal tenth of August, so many years before. I came to my senses as if by an electric shock. At last everything was clear to me.