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"In the mean time Napoleon, here at Belle-Alliance, was on the point of giving Marshal Ney orders to commence the main attack upon Wellington's centre, when he observed a column of troops approaching from the east, behind the bench, over there by tree." Cousin Hans looked round, and began to feel uneasy: could Blücher be here already? "Blü Blü " he murmured, tentatively.

Rising to a sit beside him, Sylviana took his face in her hands and tried to understand. Then she took his head tentatively to her shoulder, where he wept like a brutalized child. Feeling awkward, but very warm, she stroked his gnarled hair and rocked him slowly. When morning came it found them still anxious and afraid, but infinitely closer than they had been only hours before.

He glanced around with his large Southern eyes and saw that there was a piano in the room. "Would he play to us, do you think?" he said, rather tentatively. "I am not asking as a pressman but as a keen musician." "Claude!" Charmian said. "Mr. Van Brinen asks if you will play us a little bit of the opera." Claude got up. "Why not?" he said. He spoke firmly.

Raven shrugged his shoulders as if he shook them free of a burden. "I don't care anything about the alienist," he said. "Nor Dick. I do care a lot about Amelia. She's an awful bore. But it can't be helped. Come on down." "You know," said Nan tentatively, as they took the road, "we could ask Charlotte for a luncheon and go off over the mountain. You've got snowshoes, haven't you?"

He wondered if she would hate him for it, though she must know he had had no more to do with the matter than with Tom's death. He put a protecting arm round the old cloak, tentatively, and in some fear lest she might resent it, but knew no other way to convey to her what was in his heart. But she did not resent it, and nothing was further from her mind than imputing any share in this loss to him.

It then reshaped itself into a copy of the predecessor, and remained where it was. Obviously a replacement. There was dignified scientific jubilation among the three. This was precisely the kind of information the U-League and everybody else had been hoping to obtain. 112-113 tentatively could be assumed to be a kind of monitor of the station's activities.

So far she had held her own; more had nicely secured her ends. But further communications trembled upon her tongue. The word is just literally trembled, for they might cause anger, and James' anger it happened rarely she held in quite, to herself, uncomfortable respect. "I fear there is a good deal of objectionable gossip going about the village just now," she tentatively commenced.

Aubrey bit into his pipe-stem and sat looking at me for a moment without speaking, a kind, wistful look which completely undid me, and made me resolved never, never again to do a single thing without consulting him first. Then he leaned forward and slowly began to empty and clean his pipe. "You like her very much?" he said, tentatively. "I do, indeed!" I exclaimed, enthusiastically.

So at last Dwight said tentatively at lunch: "What if I brought that Neil Cornish up for supper, one of these nights?" "Oh, Dwightie, do," said Ina. "If there's a man in town, let's know it." "What if I brought him up to-night?" Up went Ina's eyebrows. To-night? "'Scalloped potatoes and meat loaf and sauce and bread and butter," Lulu contributed. Cornish came to supper.

A charming smile broke on Penrose's meditative face. "My dear French, this is much more amusing than the law. But I don't quite see where I come in." He rose tentatively from his seat. Boyson, however, did not smile. He looked from one to the other.