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The camp woke to clamour. Thresk stood by the table gripping the handle of the despatch-box as he had been bidden to do. The tent-door was left open. He could see lights flashing, he heard Ballantyne shouting orders, and his voice dwindled and grew loud as he moved from spot to spot in the encampment.

You seem to have found something very interesting." Helen laughed a little confusedly. "It was only a girl's face at a tent-door. I was wondering whether the curiosity of my sex would bring her into the open or not." Stane himself glanced at the tepee in question, the moose-hide flap of which was down.

'I wonder if the Bogallala torture prisoners, Jack observed; 'I don't think I could stand that. The General came to the tent-door at this: 'Can't you fellows shut up? he said fiercely. 'They'll hear you! 'They're not here yet we shall know when they come, by the signalling let's all keep quite quiet for a minute or two. There was a breathless interval of silence.

The second act of Judas stood complete, as if it had written itself. I rose. It seemed hardly an hour had passed. It took me a few minutes to work the numbness out of my legs. How they ached! I stepped out of the tent-door like a drunken man ... fell on my face in some bushes and bled from several scratches. The blare of what was full daylight hurt my eyes.

In the evenings and mornings they were always busy, changing my plants, and drying the papers over a sulky fire at my tent-door; and at night they slept, each wrapt in his own blanket, huddled together under a rock, with another blanket thrown over them all.

Sleep seemed inclined to forsake the young man that night when at length he lay on his bed before the tent-door, the quarrelling round the camp-fires and the fidgeting of the horses waking him whenever he dropped into a doze. At last he succeeded in falling asleep, only to wake in a cold perspiration, and to find himself standing up and hastily girding on sword and revolver.

"Hound! if thou speakest the truth, and I kill the tiger, the monarch of game, I will make thee a rich man; but thou shalt not have his ears. I desire the jädu for myself. I have spoken; wait thou here my pleasure." The ryot bent low to the earth, and then squatted by the tent-door to wait, in the patient way that a Hindoo can, for Isaacs to go and eat his dinner.

She remembered his words: "We have to do what we want in the world without losing anything by it." And she saw him how often! going in at the tent-door through which streamed light, to join the painted odalisque. She was reaching the limit of her endurance. She felt that strongly to-night. On the day of their return to the villa Hamza had mysteriously left them, without a word.

As I sit in my tent-door to-night I shall think over all you have said and described." Her only answer was a smile, that for some reason quickened his pulse. Much occurred before they met again. He went to his room, wrote some letters, and made other preparations. Then, feeling that he should give the remaining time before his departure to Miss Wildmere, he sought her.

The old man had to be carried to Byng's tent, for a round shot had disabled him, and he had himself set down by the tent-door, where the General sat on a camp-stool. "General-sahib, I have not been asked for advice; I am here to offer it." The huge black dome of heaven was punctuated by a billion dots of steely white that looked like pin-pricks.