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Then, while the watchers waited tensely for the next development to occur, something for the moment it was impossible to say precisely what it was had flashed into view from out of the long grass, within a yard or so of where the deer stood, and the next second the unfortunate creature was enveloped in the coils of a huge python.

Presently a foaming gush of bubbles showed that the sub ahead was blowing its tanks. The jetmarine followed as it surfaced and Bud hastily manned the periscope. "What're they up to?" Mel asked tensely. "Don't know yet, but the hatch is opening," Bud reported. Suddenly he gave an excited gasp. "Jumpin' jets! They're sending out a couple of frogmen!" Bud's companions were electrified by the news.

Carter came in out of the darkness, carefully stepping over the recumbent figure; and the three of us stood there in the lighted hall looking down at Slattin. "Help me to move him back," directed Smith tensely; "far enough to close the door." Between us we accomplished this, and Carter fastened the door.

She was out again almost immediately and bending over a bunk close to the left of the masked opening. The occupant concealed in its shadow did not rise and follow her, however. She seemed to be speaking to him. Stuart and Max watched intently. The head of Ah-Fang-Fu reappeared in the doorway behind them. "Now is our time!" whispered Max tensely.

Unable to trust herself, unable to check the quivering of her lips, she turned away to get another cup and saucer from a near cabinet. "Answer me, Gillian," he said tensely.

She watched its approach in a sort of fascination, for of late she had been upon the water enough to realize that the feat of which she was witness was not without its difficulties. As the sloop drew nearer she made out a bare-headed figure bent tensely at the wheel, and four others clinging to the yellow deck.

Her slender form was drawn to its full height; the scarlet lips were set tensely; the clear gold of her eyes burned with the fires of bitter resentment against this man whose blundering had wrought calamity. Even as the three outraged women moved forward slowly toward the door with that slowness which their dignity demanded of them under the circumstances, there came an interruption.

Therefore he crouched tensely behind a buttress, staring through his spy-ray goggles, waiting for a moment when none of the Nevians would be near the entrance, but grimly resolved to act instantly should he feel any touch of a spying ultra-beam. "Here's where the pinch comes," he growled to himself.

He stood waiting tensely for my reply, for I shivered inwardly at the thought of the prospective chromo. "Excellent, my good Pierre," I returned, not wishing to hurt his feelings. "Excellent for the gardens of the Tuileries, but my garden is such a simple one."

The door unlocked silently and a moment later they were outside, staring tensely into the darkness. "Let's go! Run, get away from here," Snarbi said and Jason grabbed him by the throat and pulled him back. "Isn't there one drop of constructive intelligence on this planet? How are you going to get to Appsala without food or water, and if you find some how can you carry enough?