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She determined to do her whole duty towards him, and she carefully pointed out to him the sins and the moral danger to which he would be exposed, and warned him always to resist temptation. She counselled him to think of her when he felt like going astray. Bobby declared that he would try to be a good boy.

What if we should go over the water to the garden, and see a bull hanked this fine morning 'sdeath, will you do nothing?" "Something I am strangely tempted to do at this moment," said Nigel. "Videlicet," said Colepepper, with a swaggering air, "let us hear the temptation." "I am tempted to throw you headlong from the window, unless you presently make the best of your way down stairs."

He hopes you won't miss him now that he has gone; he begs to apologize for any little trouble he may have given you. He is afraid he rather inconvenienced you once when he came upon you in the grenier, just as you were reading a letter seemingly of the most special interest; but he could not resist the temptation to give you a start, you appeared so wonderfully taken up with your correspondent.

It’s not simply Ultramontanism, it’s arch-Ultramontanism! It’s beyond the dreams of Pope Gregory the Seventh!” “You are completely misunderstanding it,” said Father Païssy sternly. “Understand, the Church is not to be transformed into the State. That is Rome and its dream. That is the third temptation of the devil.

Can you or anybody teach me to know who are my friends, and who my enemies? 'At least, urged Mrs Lupin, gently, 'this young lady is your friend, I am sure. 'She has no temptation to be otherwise, cried the old man, like one whose hope and confidence were utterly exhausted. 'I suppose she is. Heaven knows. There, let me try to sleep. Leave the candle where it is.

I struggled mightily against this last and greatest evil I had yet borne, and in the lapse of a few days the temptation fled.

And at another time he writes in the same vein, "'Twas opening night of Theodore Thomas' orchestra at Central Park Garden, and I could not resist the temptation to go and bathe in the sweet amber seas of this fine orchestra, and so I went, and tugged me through a vast crowd, and, after standing some while, found a seat, and the baton waved, and I plunged into the sea, and lay and floated.

Roseen betook herself homewards full of bewildered pain; but kept her own counsel. When the whispers anent the probable cause of his disappearance reached her ears, she felt a momentary thrill of apprehension, but her faith in her old friend survived this temptation.

Perhaps to an irresponsible fellow like poor old George the temptation to try and steal something had been irresistible, and he was now creeping toward the motor-boat with the intention of getting aboard and laying hands on anything of value. Then, again, it might be another entirely, some rascal much more to be feared than George.

"It was safe enough with us," Frank said. "No one would venture to try a tent with a pretty strong party; but with only your son and yourself there might have been a temptation to some broken-down gambler to carry it off. Besides, we have Turk as a guard, and I don't fancy any one would venture to try any tricks with our tent while he is inside it."