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Madame Descoings took Joseph by the head, and kissed him on the forehead: "My child," she said, "don't tempt me. I might only lose it. The lottery, you see, is all folly." No more heroic words were ever uttered in the hidden dramas of domestic life. It was, indeed, affection triumphant over inveterate vice. At this instant, the clocks struck midnight. "It is too late now," said Madame Descoings.

It was one of those suppers for which the South is renowned. And when at length he could induce Stephen to eat no more, Colonel Carvel reached for his broad-brimmed felt bat, and sat smoking, with his feet against the mantle. Virginia, who had talked but little, disappeared with a tray on which she had placed with her own hands some dainties to tempt the Judge.

Also the knapsack and black bag he carried under his arms contained more secrets than most people wished to tempt or challenge forth. Few cared to anger the little man, whose father and grandfather had been notaries here before him. Like others in the settlement, Shangois was the last of his race.

Whatever she may command short of actual torture, or death thou must endure. Marie! wilt thou tempt a doom like this? In mercy to thyself, retract ere it be too late!" "If I can bear the loss of thy favor, my Sovereign, I can bear this," replied Marie, slowly and painfully.

In the morning, long before the dew was off the grass, Finn set out to do what he had never done a before: he set out deliberately to hunt and kill some creature for his breakfast. He very nearly caught an unwary partridge, though the bird did not tempt him nearly so strongly as a thing that ran upon the earth, and ran fast.

For all that I could tell, this protracted silence might be a ruse to tempt me from the house perhaps right into their arms. The thought of such a contingency, was, alone, sufficient to make me circumspect. So it was, that the fourth, fifth and sixth days went by, quietly, without my making any attempt to leave the house.

It must give way in time to scientific mining, which is as legitimate a business as any other, and which, by the wealth it circulates, will tempt men into new avenues of industry, and recruit, to any extent that may be desirable, the supply of labour.

Slowly she recovered; for prayers to die are the last prayers ever answered; we live against our will, and tempt living deaths year after year, when soul and body cry out for the grave's repose, and beat themselves against the inscrutable will of God only to fall down before it in bruised and bleeding acquiescence.

The thoughts of Hendrickson had once more been turning themselves towards Miss Arden, and he had felt the glow of warmer feelings. He had even begun to think again of marriage. "Let that illusion go!" he said. "It must no longer tempt me to the commission of an act that reason and conscience both pronounce wrong. I do not love Mary Arden; therefore, I will not marry her.

I have burned your parchments these two days, and if you tempt me two more days, if you make me suffer twice as much as I have suffered, you can do nothing! If your heart be as hard as it is, you can do nothing!" He held out hands which trembled with passion. "You can do nothing!" he repeated.