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For a well-told account of this expedition and its failure, see Thierry, Derniers Temps de l'Empire d'Occident, pp. 77-101. There is a strange occurrence recorded by St. Gregory in his Dialogues as having taken place in this church, which would seem to point at Ricimer's burial in it. This account has been shortened from that of Gregorovius, i. 231-5.

'You see the results quicker then. 'Mais oui, was the reply, 'je pourrai faire ca au meme temps, n'est- ce pas? 'Parfaitemong, agreed his big cousin. 'There's no room in her for inside sight, observed Monkey as a portly dame rolled by into the darkness. 'You can't tell her front from her back. It was one of the governesses.

It seemed to me the model of a good provincial inn; a big rambling, creaking establishment, with brown, labyrinthine corridors, a queer old open-air vestibule, into which the diligence, in the bon temps, used to penetrate, and an hospitality more expressive than that of the new caravansaries.

Autres temps, autres moeurs! Furttenbach tells us much more about the galley; and how it was rigged out with brilliant cloths on the bulwarks on fête-days; how the biscuit was made to last six or eight months, each slave getting twenty-eight ounces thrice a week, and a spoonful of some mess of rice or bones or green stuff; of the trouble of keeping the water-cans under the benches full and fairly fresh.

Boys and girls from boarding-schools, under care of their teachers, were among those who watched gangs of men digging wide and deep trenches, while trees that obstructed the ground in the vicinity were being cut down. The daily crop of Paris newspapers is becoming beautifully less. The Temps published its last Paris issue on Friday and has transferred its headquarters to Bordeaux.

Il etait temps," * said he, and dismounting he ordered a plan of Moscow to be spread out before him, and summoned Lelorgne d'Ideville, the interpreter. * "That Asiatic city of the innumerable churches, holy Moscow! Here it is then at last, that famous city. It was high time." From that point of view he gazed at the Oriental beauty he had not seen before.

Avanti, April 27, 1919. Cf. Le Temps, April 28, 1919. Corriere della Sera, August 9, 1919. Corriere della Sera, September 3, 1919. Quoted in La Stampa of July 20, 1919. Ibidem. Corriere d' Italia, June 29, 1919. Cf. Echo de Paris, July 7, 1919. Cf. "An Italian Exposé," published by The Morning Post, July 5, 1919.

Every now and then, he would climb up, by means of iron pins fixed in the wall, to inspect his treasures; whatever they were, he arranged them and rearranged them with evident pleasure, and as he rapidly passed a careful hand through certain mysterious boxes, he joyfully sang in the falsest possible of false voices the lively piece from Nicolo: Le temps est beau, la route est belle, La promenade est un plaisir.

J'ose bien dire que, de son temps, ni beaucoup avant, il ne s'est point trouvé de plus triomphante princesse, car elle était belle, bonne, douce et courtoise,

She gazed up at him for a moment, her hand motionless in his, while neither stirred. "My heart misgives me!" she said then. "Words are so easily said they are often spoken idly pour passer le temps and soon forgotten. Ah! Sir Paul! forgive me, I beg of you if I was mad once. I promise myself it shall never happen again. It was unfortunate but there are things one cannot explain."