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Not dark and dreary mountains riven by the bolts of angry Jove; not gloomy Walpurgis gorges where devils dance and witches shriek; not the savage thunder of the avalanche, but the sun-kissed valley of Cashmere, the purple hills of the lotus eaters' land, the pastoral beauties of Tempe's delightful vale.

The commandant of the franc tireurs was personally known to General Cambriels, having at one time served for some years under his command; and he was most warmly received by the veteran, one of the bravest and most popular of the French generals. As general of the district, he had received all Major Tempe's reports; and was therefore acquainted with the actions of the corps.

June 15, 1884, Tempe was organized as a ward, successively headed by Samuel Openshaw and Jas. F. Johnson. In August, 1887, most of Tempe's Mormon residents moved to Nephi, west of Mesa, mainly upon land acquired by Benj. F. Johnson, the settlement popularly known as Johnsonville.

After traveling all night, the Barclays arrived at Tours at ten o'clock, on the morning of the day after that upon which they had left Belle Isle. At the station they said adieu to Monsieur Teclier; who went at once to Gambetta, with the dispatches; while the Barclays turned away to Colonel Tempe's lodgings and, to their great surprise as well as delight, found him in.

"Come along, then; Freysinet is in his office." Percy accompanied them, to obtain a signature to his leave of absence, and left next day for the south. An hour later, Colonel Tempe and Ralph were in the train, upon their way to Orleans Tim, again in his hussar uniform, and half wild with delight being, with Colonel Tempe's orderly, in charge of the horses.

Is it that real life in New England lacks those conditions of poetry and romance which age, reverence, and superstition have gathered about it in the Old World? Is it that "Ours are not Tempe's nor Arcadia's vales," but are more famous for growing Indian corn and potatoes, and the manufacture of wooden ware and pedler notions, than for romantic associations and legendary interest?

"I have two horses here, sergeant; my own, and one of Colonel Tempe's. General Chanzy told me I should find room here, but it does not look like it." "I will turn two of these horses out, sir," the sergeant said. "Is there no other place?" Ralph asked. "They are all as full as this, sir." "There is a little shed, down at the end of the garden," one of the men said. "I noticed it this afternoon.

Without stopping an instant, she took her horse to the back door, and led him boldly into the house. This was not the sort of stable to which Tempe's horse or any other American horse was accustomed; but this animal knew his mistress, and where she led, he was willing to follow.

After dinner they went to a cafe literally crowded with officers and thence to Colonel Tempe's rooms, where they sat down quietly, to chat over what had taken place since the last visit. "But where is your Irishman? Your father told me he was with you. I suppose you could not get him out."

There was no time for words, however; for Major Tempe's order came, sharp and decisive: "You the Barclays, you also the Duburgs, sling your arms, and go assist to drive in the cattle. Quick, lose no time. "You have done well. I am content with you, my boys."