United States or Gambia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I felt able to give this, and, of course, he eagerly approved; I think he telegraphed his approval. Another time, some years afterward, we sat down together in places near the end of a car, and a brakeman came in looking for his official note-book.

"Yes, that is it," said Imogene, to whom Mrs. Bowen hastened with the despatch. "Why should she have telegraphed to you?" she asked coldly, but with a latent fire of resentment in her tone. "You must ask her when she comes," returned Mrs. Bowen, with all her gentleness. "It won't be long now."

"It taks aw soarts to mak a worrld," as they say up here. But Marsworth and Cis are queer specimens! I am privately certain he can't do for long without seeing her. And as for her, I had no sooner arranged that he should join me here to-night, than she telegraphed to you! Just like her! I had no idea she thought of coming.

And, moreover, I was more than convinced that he would have ample time for preparation; for, on that very day, General R. S. Granger had telegraphed me from Decatur, Alabama: I omitted to mention another reason why Hood will go to Tusomnbia before crossing the Tennessee River. He was evidently out of supplies.

As soon as the child's malady had declared itself the afflicted parents of the May Queen telegraphed to Tennyson, "Our child gone crazy on subject of early rising, could you come and write some poetry about her?" Alfred, always prompt to fill orders in writing from the country, came down on the evening train.

"Well, no use in feeling like a criminal, my dear. Now for the cook and the waitress." She rather took satisfaction in that, for she had disliked both of them keenly. She gave them until the end of the week, and in the meantime telegraphed for Emily Giles, who for over five years had helped her keep house for her father at home.

The female trapeze performers, who had been expected ever since we started on the road, had been quarantined at New Orleans, where the yellow fever is raging, and finally got through the quarantine guard somewhere in Mississippi, and got to us Saturday afternoon, and some official telegraphed to the mayor that two yellow fever refugees had struck his town to join the circus, and he ordered the chief of police to hunt them out, and put them in a pest house.

Will grasped his hand, calling out: "What news? "News?" echoed Godfrey, in a voice of no good omen. "Haven't you heard?" "Heard what?" "But your telegram ? Wasn't that what it meant?" "What do you mean?" cried Will. "Speak, man! I've been abroad for a week. I know nothing; I telegraphed because I wanted to see you, that was all." "Confound it! I hoped you knew the worst. Strangwyn is dead."

Had the clipping that even then lay in her bosom effected this magic change? He had intimated as much, but she denied it fiercely. She rang for tea. "You haven't told me why you came to New York," she said. "I was telegraphed for, from Washington, by a Mr. Wing," he explained. "A Mr. Wing," she repeated. "You don't mean by any chance James Wing?" "The Mr. Wing," said Peter.

This list gives not at all a bad idea of what European news is considered of sufficient importance to be telegraphed 15,000 miles. Turning over the page, a column and a quarter is occupied with a general summary of European news by the P. and 0. mail, telegraphed from Albany. Then follows country news by telegraph.