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I was goin' teh lick dat Riley kid and dey all pitched on me." Some Rum Alley children now came forward. The party stood for a moment exchanging vainglorious remarks with Devil's Row. A few stones were thrown at long distances, and words of challenge passed between small warriors. Then the Rum Alley contingent turned slowly in the direction of their home street.

Kunnel Bill's father limpt ter his grae on 'count of a bullet in his hip, which wuz lodged thar soon arter I'd flung on the floor a ten dollar gold piece he'd crowded inter my hand at a dance, where he'd come 'ithout ary invite. The bullet wuz from teh rifle ov a young man named David Brill, thet I married the next day, jest ez he wuz startin' fur Mexico.

Let up, will yehs! Give me a minute's res', can't yehs? Yehs makes me tired, allus taggin' me. See? Ain' yehs got no sense. Do yehs want people teh get onto me? Go chase yerself, fer Gawd's sake." The woman stepped closer and laid her fingers on his arm. "But, look-a-here " Jimmie snarled. "Oh, go teh hell."

Noiselessly moved about the assiduous, careful attendants, Moistening the feverish lip, and teh aching brow, and in silence Closing the sightless eyes of the dead, and concealing their faces, Where on their pallets they lay like drifts of snow by the roadside.

"Ah, who would t'ink such a bad girl could grow up in our fambly, Jimmie, me son. Many deh hour I've spent in talk wid dat girl an' tol' her if she ever went on deh streets I'd see her damned. An' after all her bringin' up an' what I tol' her and talked wid her, she goes teh deh bad, like a duck teh water." The tears rolled down her furrowed face. Her hands trembled.

These returned bringing with them the most favourable reports about the establishment. In their opinion the Prefere School was a model school. It is evident that if I were to force an investigation, Mademoiselle Prefere would receive academic honours. October 3. This Thursday being a school-holiday I had teh chance of meeting the three little Mouton girls in the vicinity of the Rue Demours.

"I didn't recommend him to you, sir. I wrote you distinctly that I did not feel at liberty to recommend him." "Tat iss teh troot, Toctor Tseweer; tat iss teh ectsectly troot. Shtill I taught I'll yoost trop in on you to say a verte to you, Toctor, apowt Mister" He hung his large head at one side to remember. "Richling," said the Doctor, impatiently. "Yes, sir. Apowt Mister Richlun.

The mother started from her chair and broke forth into a storm of passionate anger. "What! Let 'er come an' sleep under deh same roof wid her mudder agin! Oh, yes, I will, won't I? Sure? Shame on yehs, Jimmie Johnson, for sayin' such a t'ing teh yer own mudder teh yer own mudder!

"W'e havin' great time," said the man. "I like you girls! Yer right sort! See?" He spoke at length and with feeling concerning the excellencies of his assembled friends. "Don' try pull man's leg, but have a good time! Das right! Das way teh do! Now, if I sawght yehs tryin' work me fer drinks, wouldn' buy not'ing! But yer right sort!

'Oh, gee, I says, 'oh, gee, go teh hell and git off deh eart', I says, like dat. See? 'Go teh hell an' git off deh eart', like dat. Den deh blokie he got wild. He says I was a contempt'ble scoun'el, er somet'ing like dat, an' he says I was doom' teh everlastin' pe'dition an' all like dat. 'Gee, I says, 'gee! Deh hell I am, I says. 'Deh hell I am, like dat. An' den I slugged 'im. See?"