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"Wanted to surprise you, Teeters," said Disston, dropping the bags he carried. "Yo shore done it!" replied Teeters emphatically, casting an eye at the writhing mass of horses. "It'll take me an hour or more to patch that harness!" "In that event," said the guest from Canton, Ohio, with a relief that was unmistakable, "it were better, perhaps, that we should go to the hotel and wait for you."

Nevertheless, Mormon Joe knew that she was holding something in reserve and wondered at this reticence. It came finally when they had finished and still lingered at the table. "Who do you suppose I met to-day when I was hunting horses?" "Teeters?" Mormon Joe was tearing a leaf from his book of cigarette papers. "Guess again." He shook his head. "Can't imagine." She announced impressively: "Mrs.

But her impulses, she remembered in time, always came back like boomerangs to hurt her, if she followed them, so, instead, she endeavored to pull herself together by recalling that he had been six weeks at Teeters' without coming to see her but the one time when he had brought that girl to laugh at her. Why had he come now, she wondered.

Of course she could see the force of Jap's argument as to the necessity of keeping up appearances by being seen in public places and spending money as though there was more where that came from, yet she wondered if it really deceived anybody. And supposing Teeters foreclosed the mortgage!

I'll throw two bands of sheep in there, and when I take 'em off there won't be roots enough left to grow grass for five years. If it's fight he wants, I'll give him all he's looking for." Her brow cleared as she added: "Teeters is coming up the road and bringing some one with him." She nodded towards the wagon, "How is he?" "I doubt if he lasts the day out." Kate frowned when she recognized Mrs.

"I don't talk about religion much," he replied earnestly, "but there's somethin' come up the last few days that set me thinkin' pretty serious." Mrs. Taylor looked her curiosity. "It's a turrible thing," Teeters wagged his head solemnly, "to see a feller layin' on his death-bed denyin' they's a Hereafter." "Why, how dreadful! Who is it?" "A sheepherder. He says they ain't no hell nor nothin'."

"It's a kind of talent a gift, you might say like breakin' horses or tamin' wild animals," he was wont to reply modestly when questioned by those who followed his example and failed lamentably. "You got to be kind and gentle with dudes, yet firm with them. Onct they git the upper hand of you they's no livin' with 'em." Five years had brought their changes to Teeters as well as to Prouty.

"I've thought over this consider'ble," Teeters lowered his voice, "and I figger that the secret of handlin' dudes is to keep 'em busy. I've been around 'em a whole lot, off an' on, over on the Yellastone, and I've noticed that the best way to get anythin' done is to tell 'em not to touch it and then go off and leave 'em.

"You hang on a while," Mormon Joe cautioned. "You may be boss of the Scissor Outfit yet stranger things have been waiting around the corner." Teeters shifted his weight in the saddle. "Say," he confessed in some embarrassment, "a sperrit told me somethin' like that only day 'fore yisterday.

To one uninitiated in the ways of commerce it would appear that these openings were patterned for the multiform enactment of an Amy Robsart tragedy, with such devilish deceit are the shoots laid up against the openings. First the teamster teeters and cajoles the box to the edge of the dray, then, with a sudden push, he throws it off down the shoot, from which it disappears with a booming sound.