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Briefly, but in a style that was intimate and slightly humorous, Teeters conveyed the information that he was starting a dude ranch, and if they were thinking of taking an outing the coming summer they would be treated right at the "Scissor" or have their money refunded.

"I think he's workin' on borried capital and they're shuttin' down on him," Teeters conjectured. "His 'Old Man," he nodded toward Hughie, "has got consider'ble tied up in the Outfit, I've an idea. Anyhow, if I git beat out of my money after the way Toomey's high-toned it over me " He cast a significant look at a fist with particularly prominent knuckles.

Hughie had written Teeters that if they recovered from the reverse, and others that had come to them, they hoped to re-stock the range that was left to them and he wished to spend at least a portion of the year there. In the meantime, it was for Teeters to do what he could with it. "Dudes" had seemed to be the answer to his problem. While making up his mind, he had not acted hastily.

"There is plenty of ranches where I am welcome," replied the Major with dignity. "I kin make the Widder Taylor's by sundown." "Miss Maggie plays good on the pianner," Teeters commented, expectorating violently to conceal a certain embarrassment. "And the doughnuts the old lady keeps in that crock on the kitchen table is worth a day's ride to git to."

"Teeters and Lingle." "The deputy sheriff?" He nodded. She came a little further into the room with her flour-covered hands. "What did they want, Jap, that's so upset you?" "I'm not upset!" He glared at her. His trembling hand could not touch the match to the cigarette paper. "It's only right that you should tell me," she said firmly. His eyes wavered.

The girl's cheeks were flaming as they sat down on the chairs ranged against the wall. "Hughie," her fingers were like ice as she clasped them together in her lap. "What's the matter? Do I look queer?" He answered shortly: "You're all right." They sat watching the crowd file in. Suddenly Hughie exclaimed in obvious relief: "There's Teeters, and Maggie Taylor and her mother!

The leaders jumped over "the Innocent Bystander" before he had time to use his pickhandle, reared and fell on their backs, where they lay kicking the harness to pieces. "You miser'ble horse-stealin', petty larceny, cache-robbin' " just in time Teeters remembered that there were ladies present and curtailed his greeting to Hughie Disston. "Why didn't you let me know you was comin'?" he ended.

Teeters had long since given over trying to explain what he did not understand, but in a vague way he regarded Mrs. Taylor as an unconscious fakir, whose spiritual communications bore the earmarks of something she had learned in a quite ordinary way. There was, however, nothing of charlatanry in her present state. Teeters was convinced of that.

It was supplied with swings and teeters and drew children on its four fronts. Of a consequence the children of many races played together. I caught a Yiddish answer to an Italian question. I fancy that a child here could go forth at breakfast wholly a Hungarian and come home with a smack of Russian or Armenian added. The general games that merged the smaller groups, aided in the fusion.

The Western bluebird floats across the meadow like a flashing sapphire, and the lark-sparrow pours forth his melody, as he teeters up and down on a weed stalk. But at night the brook is heard at its best, when it performs its symphonies for the flickering moonlight that nestles upon its bosom, and the stars that reflect their lamps on its surface.