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'Be it so, said the Count; 'but how will you beguile the tediousness of the night, if you do not sleep? 'When I am weary, my Lord, replied Ludovico, 'I shall not fear to sleep; in the meanwhile, I have a book, that will entertain me. 'Well, said the Count, 'I hope nothing will disturb you; but if you should be seriously alarmed in the night, come to my apartment.

Otherwise we impart to the novel the tediousness of a homily without its accepted authority. Art must be wooed as a mistress; she can never be commanded as a slave. Above all is there need of delicate touch and skillful handling, if the aim be to affect those who are prejudiced against the views expressed, or whose interests are involved in the fate of those attacked.

At the risk of tediousness we shall enter briefly into this unpromising ground. Life and the necessities of life are our best philosophers if we will only listen honestly to what they say to us; and dislike the lesson as we may, it is cowardice which refuses to hear it.

Was it in answer to this appeal or because I realized that I had come at last upon a clue calling for immediate action? "I am going now," said I, "and you are going with me. Run! for the train we take leaves inside of ten minutes. My business here is over." Words can not express the tediousness of that return journey.

Although light and buoyant, therefore, and extremely useful in a country where portages are numerous, they require very tender usage; and when a traverse has to be made, the guides have always a grave consultation, with some of the most sagacious among the men, as to the probability of the wind rising or falling consultations which are more or less marked by anxiety and tediousness in proportion to the length of the traverse, the state of the weather, and the courage or timidity of the guides.

As they had no knowledge, their talk could take nothing from the tediousness of life; as they had no choice, their fondness, or appearance of fondness, excited in him neither pride nor gratitude.

Also sence G. Ffox departure William Edmondson is arrived at this Island, who having given out a paper to all in authority, which, my wife having copied, I have here inclosed presented thee therewith." Coddington was also glad to bestow on Winthrop any wandering tediousness in the flesh that came to hand.

Variety is always pleasing, and ingenious minds can never be satiated with contemplating the marvellous and diversified works of God in nature: Therefore, that the reader may take the more pleasure in these my writings, or at least may experience less tediousness in reading them, I have thought good to set down such things as I have seen more at large.

And if I have destroyed it now it is due solely to my desire to throw my past into oblivion and to save my reader from the tediousness of long complaints and moans, from the horror of sacrilegious cursings. May it rest in peace!

"One is rather glad to have such a relief against the tediousness of a sea-passage," said Sir George as they went down the ladder. "No doubt you are used to this sort of thing, Mr. Monday; but with me, it is voyage the first, that is, if I except the Channel and the seas one encounters in making the usual run on the Continent." "Oh, dear me!