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Both sides appoint agents and secretaries, an imposing array of counsel, technical experts; and as the counsel are always well paid they have a conscientious obligation to earn their fees. More months are required to prepare the case, which frequently runs into many printed volumes; and the more volumes the better pleased everybody is, as size denotes importance.

From all this it follows that individual souls only can be causal agents: no legitimate inference leads to a Lord different from them in nature. This admits of various expressions in technical form. Consider the following point also. Does the Lord produce his effects, with his body or apart from his body?

And the technical problems of discovering and manipulation once solved, there was still needed organization, system, and administration to make the mine a paying one. But all these things were exactly the young engineer's specialties. He was from the beginning, as we already know, and conspicuously is today, resourceful, original, capable of prompt decision, an organizer and administrator.

He followed it with his eyes, as the great surgeon took him in hand and examined and questioned him. He answered mechanically, his parched lips uttering things with which his fevered brain seemed to have no interest. He listened in a detached way, as though the doctor were speaking of some one else as, with many technical terms, he diagnosed the case.

Venus came forth perfect and complete from the foam of the sea. Why perfect? because she is the finished and exactly determined work of necessity, and on that account she is neither susceptible of variety nor of progress. The architectonic beauty of the human form and its technical perfection are two ideas, which we must take good care not to confound.

Thus supporting himself, he felt entitled to spend any other profit left over on chemicals and apparatus. And spent it was, for with access to Detroit and its large stores, where he bought his supplies, and to the public library, where he could quench his thirst for technical information, Edison gave up all his spare time and money to chemistry.

Mature in virtuosity the modern virtuosity which goes so far beyond the mere technical mastery that once made the term a reproach though young in years, Jascha Heifetz, when one makes his acquaintance "off-stage," seems singularly modest about the great gifts which have brought him international fame.

In the first place, it must be noted that, as far as the general reader is concerned, the appeal of any work of fiction depends far more upon its content than upon its form. The average reader knows little and cares less about the technical methods of the art. What he demands above all is interesting subject-matter.

I have quarters in New York, at the club, and recently I have been spending all my time in New York, on account of the situation in the picture business." "You were not here the night before the murder, then?" "No!" "But you were out here yesterday before the actors arrived, before Manton or any of his technical staff and crew came?"

"My experience has shown me that the fundamental fault of most pupils is that they do not know how to hold either the bow or the violin. Here in America the violin student as a rule begins serious technical study too late, contrary to the European practice.