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He never spoke out, and the girl, who was always longing for violence of sentiment and sudden changes of emotion, found herself condemned to a dull, level life. Desborough would talk to her about poetry, but their tastes did not agree. He would even tease her with futile metaphysical talk until she scarcely knew whether to laugh or to flout him.

Nothing like setting down those absurd people who try to tease one, and think one dares not retort. But pray I hope I'm not impertinent pray, may I ask if this rumour have any truth in it?" "Certainly not," said Constance, with great effort, but in a clear tone. "No: I should have thought not I should have thought not. Godolphin's much too poor much too poor for you.

I I hate being babied and you know it." Marjorie's arms dropped to her sides. "I didn't mean to tease you. I'm sorry. I'll go down and ask Captain to give you something to cure your headache." She turned abruptly and left the room, deeply puzzled and slightly hurt. What on earth ailed Mary? The moment the door closed Mary pattered into the bathroom and banged the door.

It is the minister!” “And so it is!” said the child. “And, mother, he has his hand over his heart! Is it because, when the minister wrote his name in the book, the Black Man set his mark in that place? But why does he not wear it outside his bosom, as thou dost, mother?” “Go now, child, and thou shalt tease me as thou wilt another time,” cried Hester Prynne. “But do not stray far.

For some unaccountable reason, John Derringham felt annoyed; but it was too contemptible to be annoyed by a child, so he laughed as he answered condescendingly: "There, I will not tease her. I expect she hates me already " and he pushed his hat back from his eyes. "No," said Halcyone. "One only hates a thing one fears; hate implies fear.

He was a Boy, sparkling Boy; Boy at the age when he is Woman, and Woman at her best, the playfellow, the tease, the inspiration; free of limb, as yet untrammelled of mind; with passionate hatreds and heroic adorations. He was steering now, his eyes on the battered topsails in the mists before him; and in those eyes a glitter of swords.

In the first place she was, as she had said, 'cramped to death, physically and mentally, both parts of her composition just spoiling for a fight; and whereas she had hitherto kept her face well out of the window, now she drew it resolutely within, for with somebody to look at, it did not suit Miss Hazel's ideas to be looking. She could not tease Mr. Falkirk, who had gone to sleep; Mr.

"You are too bold, Raggy, my son!" she might reply. "I fear you will run once too often." "But, mother, it is such glorious fun to tease that fool dog, and it's all good training. I'll thump if I am too hard pressed, then you can come and change off while I get my second wind." On he would come, and Ranger would take the trail and follow till Rag got tired of it.

"Yes, ma'am," said Sidney, who during the whole colloquy had been trembling from bead to foot. "'Yes ma'am, and 'no, ma'am: you have no more manners than a cobbler's boy." "Don't tease the child, my dear; he is crying," said Mr. Morton, more authoritatively than usual.

Even Cecil is not allowed to tease, and instructed to call her mamma. He escorts her in to the table, and at a glance the servant pays her outward deference at least. "Violet," he says, after breakfast, "will you drive over with me to see Denise on a little business? No, Cecil, my darling, you cannot go now, and I shall bring your mamma back very soon.