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It is a Persian custom, after plucking the fruit, to tear it asunder in the middle, hand the sunny side to the friend and throw the other half away, the best portion being the only part good enough for those they love. It is my duty to present to you the better half of the glacier and to cast away the other.

But the effort was somewhat pitiful, and he felt guiltily conscious that a salt, warm tear was creeping slowly down his face, and that a lump that would not keep down was rising in his throat. "Tain't no fair thing for the whole police force to keep worrying at a little boy like me," he said, in shame-faced apology.

Her lips snarled, her hands clawed like those of a cat, and out of her mouth came a hoarse imprecation. "I'll tear your heart out!" she snarled. "I'll kill you soul and body I'll rip you limb from limb!" We all recoiled in amazement and wonder. It was as if our friend had suddenly gone insane. I confess to a feeling of profound astonishment. I had never met Mrs.

"Will my name ever be there, or have any chance to be there?" wondered Dick, a big lump rising in his throat. A tear stood in either eye, but he brushed them aside as unworthy of a soldier. Was he ever going to be a soldier, he wondered. "I don't know that I'm really ready to be killed in battle," thought Dick grimly.

Farewell! if a single tear of sorrow, steals unhidden down your cheek at the perusal of this sad tale if in your heart a single chord of pity is touched at its recital we shall have been fully rewarded for the time and labor expended by us.

"Now," said he to his sister, "there's a burning volcano in that woman's heart, that will tear her some day to pieces. For all that coldness, and calmness, and stateliness, her brain is on fire, and her heart ready for a convulsion. Her thoughts now, if she thinks at all, are all desperate. She's going through a very hell upon earth!

Mivers, good-humouredly, turning round, and wiping the tear from her eye. "You ought to make much of him, poor lad, -he has turned out a godsend indeed; and, upon my word, he looks very respectable in his new clothes. But what is this, a child's coral?" as, opening a drawer in the dresser, she discovered Beck's treasure.

He repeated this process six times, so that by the time he had finished and the pyjamas were added to the pile of washed clothes, they had been beaten on the stone more than a hundred times. The process effectually expels all the dirt, but the amount of literal wear and tear to which the garment is exposed can easily be imagined.

I was afraid to stay long on my knees; but I could hardly get my eyes dry again, I was so glad and so sorry. I remember I was wiping a tear or two away when Miss Cardigan came in. She greeted me kindly. "There's a new rose out, did ye see it?" she said; "and this blue hyacinth has opened its flowers. Isn't that bonny?" "What is bonny, ma'am?" I asked.

Some hold their hands out stiffly, some drop them loosely at their sides. Some dance springily, some glide softly, some move with grave dignity. There are boisterous couples, who tear wildly about the room, knocking every one out of their way. There are nervous couples, whom these frighten, and who cry, "Nusfok! Kas yra?" at them as they pass.