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It was such a change to have someone to talk to, she said, because they had moved and knew nobody here. She told me that she tried to earn money by teaching music and by painting. I said that I was badly in want of a few little sketches, and she promised to bring some for me to look at. "I would ask you to accept them," she said, with a flush, "if we weren't so poor."

In November, he argued that the decline of religious conviction left only a residue of ideas favourable to liberty and public virtue, and that the essential principles of politics might be found in the sublime teaching of Christ. He objected to disendowment, because it is necessary to keep up reverence for an authority superior to man.

Why should we disturb the repose of a spirit if it is to inform us of nothing more than the ordinary powers of the intellect are capable of teaching us?

"Why, I'm teaching this new fry to be less bumptious, that's all." "Shame!" said Russell, as he saw the mark on Eric's cheek; "what a fellow you are, Barker. Why couldn't you leave him alone for his first day, at any rate?" "What's that to you? I'll kick you too, if you say much." "Cavè, cavè!" whispered half a dozen voices, and instantly the knot of boys dispersed in every direction, as Mr.

We can not have a better example than the method often adopted in schools and seminaries for teaching composition; in other words, the art of expressing one's thoughts in written language an art which one would suppose to be so analogous to that of learning to talk that is, to express one's thoughts in oral language that the method which was found so eminently successful in the one would be naturally resorted to in the other.

The knowledge obtained from Billy Little the boy tried to impart to Rita. Tom held learning and books to be effeminate and wasteful of time; but Rita drank in Dic's teaching, with now and then a helpful draught from Billy Little, and the result soon began to show upon the girl. Thus it was that Dic often went to see Tom, but talked to Tom's sister.

What does the State give us to replace the "separate school"? A neutral, undenominational, irreligious school. This neutrality we claim, is erroneous in theory and impossible in practice. The theory of the neutral school is erroneous because it is against the teaching of sound psychology and true pedagogy.

C. enforced the propriety of teaching children, as soon as they could articulate, to lisp the praises of their Maker; "for," said he, "though they can, form no correct idea of God, yet they entertain a high opinion of their father, and it is an easy introduction to the truth, to tell them that their Heavenly Father is stronger, and wiser, and better, than their earthly father."

Gardiner sat by the table mending a garment; her daughter was putting away the supper dishes; while the man sat teaching a lesson in spelling to their youngest child. The glow of satisfaction that pervaded the bosom of each member of the family, as Mr.

There's no school like the sea for teaching a man his dependence on his Maker." "The school is not very successful, if one may judge from the character of most of its pupils," replied the youth. "Perhaps you misjudge their character," returned the captain, with a look of good-natured severity. "I'm sure he does," cried Miss Millet, with enthusiasm.