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Taynton's room had closed behind them, that there was any excitement of any sort raging within him. He sat down at once in a chair opposite the window, and Mr. Taynton saw that in spite of the heat of the day and the violence of that storm which he knew was yelling and screaming through his brain, his face was absolutely white.

And Morris began to be really anxious also, with a vague disquietude at the sense of there being something wrong. Mr. It was brief enough; his partner had gone up to town on Tuesday last, and, had he followed his plans should have returned to Brighton by Thursday evening, since he had made an appointment to come to Mr. Taynton's house at nine thirty that night. It had been ascertained too, by Mr.

But his partner interrupted him. He quite agreed with the sentiment, but he wanted to learn without even the delay caused by these complimentary remarks, the upshot of Taynton's rash proposal to Morris. "What did young Assheton say?" he asked.

I should like, however, to have a little further talk about it, for which I have not time now." Mills rose. "By all means," he said. "I do not suppose I shall be back here till nine in the evening. I have had no exercise lately, and I think very likely I shall get out of the train at Falmer, and walk over the downs." Mr. Taynton's habitual courtesy came to his aid.

What a happy thing it was too here the smile of pleasure illuminated Mr. Taynton's face again that the boy whom he had dismissed two years before for some petty pilfering in his own house, should have turned out such a promising lad and should have found his way to so pleasant a berth as that of factotum to Morris.

"What for?" he said. "For the murder of Godfrey Mills," said the man. "Here is the warrant. I warn you that all you say " Morris, whose lithe athletic frame had gone slack for the moment, stiffened himself up again. "I am not going to say anything," he said. "Martin, drive to Mr. Taynton's at once, and tell him that I am arrested." The other two now had closed round him.

Taynton's mind that quite distinctly dimmed his happiness. But a little reflection told him that a very simple step on his part would put that right again, and he walked home rather more quickly than he had set out, since he had this little bit of business to do before dinner. He went this was only natural to the house where Mr.

Taynton's hands with the same completeness as heretofore. It would, of course, be necessary to pay him his income, and though this would be a great strain on the finances of the two partners, it was manageable. Assheton's for her lifetime was in his hands also, so if the worst came to the worst

Taynton's proposal that you should go for a drive in his car. Don't you remember, Mr. Taynton? Mother's nose did go in the air. It's no use denying it. So I thought, perhaps, that she wouldn't like my having one. But I wanted it so dreadfully, and so I bought it without telling her, and drove down in it to-day, which is my birthday, so that she couldn't be too severe." Mr.

Then without other warning a streamer of fire split the steeple of St. Agnes's Church, just opposite Mr. Taynton's house, and the crash of thunder answered it more quickly than his servant had run to open the door to Morris's furious ringing of the bell. At that the sluices of heaven were opened, and heaven's artillery thundered its salvoes to the flare of the reckless storm.