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"Ta woman tat ta peoples will pe telling lies of her, wass not pe ta mother of her poy Malcolm. Why tidn't ta poy tell her ta why tat he wouldn't pe hafing her?" "Ye wadna hae him spread an ill report o' his ain mither?" "Put she 'll not pe his mother, and you 'll not pelieve it, mem." "Ye canna priv that you nor him aither."

'What's your name? he asked, by way of keeping the conversation going. 'Tom Ketling, said the boy, 'but they calls me "Tat" for short, because I used to hang about outside Tattersall's and run errands. I picked up most of my education there. There ain't many of 'em as can teach me anything. He broke off short in his confidences at the sound of a heavy shuffling footstep on the stairs.

When the ducks came round again, Joe fired, and sure enough one of them fell descending in a curve which brought it directly on Sneak's cap, knocking it over his eyes. "Dod rot it! hands off, or I'll walk into you!" exclaimed Sneak, rising up in a hostile attitude. "Good! that's tit for tat," cried Joe, laughing, as he loaded his gun.

"What I fear," he said, "is, that my father will make it smooth with me, and not acknowledge her: so that whenever I go to him, I shall have to leave her, and tit for tat an abominable existence, like a ball on a billiard-table. I won't bear that ignominy. And this I know, I know! she might prevent it at once, if she would only be brave, and face it.

Then he spoke feelingly of the unmitigated horror of being a stranger in a strange town, forced to sit around hotel lobbies with drummers and other lost souls, and drew from Moira the assurance that it wasn't more distressing than having to sit around a boardinghouse night after night watching old women tat and tattle. This was the opening Buck Ogilvy had sparred for.

And little wad it avail them; for an if they had me there wi' a stane's weight o' iron at every ankle, I would show them a toom room and a lost lodger before to-morrow But come on, what stint ye for?" As he spoke thus, he tapped at a low wicket, and was answered by a sharp voice, as of one awakened from a dream or reverie, "Fa's tat?

"Tat wass a fery coot sairmon today, Malcolm," he said, as they stepped from the churchyard upon the road. Malcolm, knowing well whither conversation on the subject would lead, made no reply. His grandfather, finding him silent, iterated his remark, with the addition "Put how could it pe a paad one, you'll pe thinking, my poy, when he'd pe hafing such a text to keep him straight."

"Ta coot peoples up in ta town are not half so hart upon her as you, Mistress Partan," insinuated poor Duncan, who, knowing himself in fault, was humble; "and it's tere tat she's paid," he added, with a bridling motion, "and not town here pelow." I was oot o' my bed hoors or I hard the skirlin' o' your pipes. Troth I ken weel hoo muckle ower ear' ye was!

'Non-being' we may call it, in so far as while it is observed at a certain moment in a certain form it is at some other moment observed in a different condition. Scripture does not teach that Release is due to the knowledge of a non- qualified Brahman. the meaning of 'tat tvam asi.

They would complain of the Southern cooking and knit and tat while they babbled amiably of themselves and the members of their family and their doings. The men would smoke and compare business experiences when they had finished flaying the Administration. Discontent grew within him as he reviewed it. Why couldn't he and Aunt Mary do something different for the winter?