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If she had turned from him with the dignity worthy of that head and brow, it flashed across him that he could have tasted more of the abandonment of love have explored his own emotion more perfectly. Still, the situation was poignant enough in one sense complete. Was Raeburn still there in that next room? "My answer?" he said to her, pressing her hand as they sat in the shelter of the flowers.

"Dost thou bleed, my immortal horse?" cried the young man, caring less for his own hurt than for the anguish of this glorious creature, that ought never to have tasted pain. "The execrable Chimæra shall pay for this mischief with his last head!" Then he shook the bridle, shouted loudly, and guided Pegasus, not aslantwise as before, but straight at the monster's hideous front.

For, though a man in a fever should from sugar have a bitter taste, which at another time would produce a sweet one, yet the idea of bitter in that man's mind would be as clear and distinct from the idea of sweet as if he had tasted only gall.

He said that his ears suited him quite well, just as they were. "What!" Henrietta cried. "Wouldn't you eat cabbage to oblige a lady?" Old Spot said he was sorry; but he had no liking for cabbage. "How can you tell if you've never tasted it?" she asked. He made no answer to that question. Instead, he asked her one of his own. "Would you like long ears?" he inquired. "Certainly not!" she cried.

Count Ploare there was nothing in that. A blase man of the world, who had found it all not worth the bothering about, neither code nor people he saw in this rich impetuous nature a new range of emotions, a brief return to the time when he tasted an open strong life in Algiers, in Tahiti. And he would laugh at the world by marrying her yes, actually marrying her, the dompteuse!

An army may very well have been fed with the bread I have tasted, made of the meal of the fruit, as is said by Pliny to have been done in Libya; and as the taste of the bread is sweet and agreeable, it is not likely that the soldiers would complain of it.

Dupont finished his perusal of the news and shoved back his chair, leaving the special scarcely tasted. "That was fine," he ejaculated. "Wish I had time to finish it. But I have a number of things to 'tend to before going to the office. By the way, where did you say that new market was located?"

Durham had enunciated a theory, which Sydenham had put into effect by being his own minister, and Bagot had followed resolutely in Sydenham's footsteps. The group of colonial officials known as the Executive Council had in the meantime tasted power.

The three boys were really in high spirits. Little troubled them but the dryness and the dust. They had tasted so much of defeat and drawn battle in the east that they had an actual physical sense of better things in the west. The horizons were wider, the mountains were lower, and there was not so much enveloping forest.

The big one was boiled for supper, and, oh! how good it tasted, for all were desperately hungry. The night was clear and cold, and after supper I sat at the camp fire till quite late reluctant to leave it. Finally it died down, and leaving the glowing embers to burn themselves out, I went to my tent.