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We were indeed very busy in the Great City during those hours, as you shall presently hear. Tarrano and Elza were not again disturbed. How far they went in the boat she does not know, but at last they landed in a sheltered cove. An air vehicle was there. Tarrano transferred Elza to it, and in a moment more they were aloft. The vehicle was little more than an oblong platform, with a low railing.

A decision irrevocable; the power almost of a deity seemed behind its finality. "No! I will not do it!" Careful, slow enunciation as though to make sure an inferior mentality could not mistake his words. And with a click, Tarrano broke connection. The mirror went dark; he hung his little disc and ear-piece back on his belt.

But, as the red silk mask was doffed, another took its place the mask of imperturbability that grave, inscrutable look with which he always masked his real emotions. "Honor to the Master Tarrano!" Tarrano raised his hand; his quiet, calm voice carried throughout the silent room. "There is no Master here tonight. No Master only the Mistress of Love. Let us honor her. Let her rule us all tonight."

Elza interrupted; and her voice risen to greater firmness, held a quality of earnest pleading. "Wait, Tara! You love Tarrano for himself because you are a woman capable of love. It is the man you love not his deeds, or his fame or his destiny. Isn't that so?" "Yes. "Then won't you give me credit for being a woman with instincts as fine as your own? The love of a good woman goes unbidden.

Tarrano whispered: "You see, Lady Elza? The orange spots! These men of medicine here have used the Brende secret to its full. Immune from disease!" "Let us treat you, Master. This immortality " On Cretar's face was a triumphant smile, but in his eyes lay a terror. The man who had not been treated stood against the wall watching with interest and curiosity. But the others!

The line of skeletons swung upward. Came on, but mounted so that I saw that they were making for the summit of the cliff above us above our power house. Their defense invisibility, and a mere isolation barrage so that we could not harm them with our tower rays while they kept beyond range. But what was their means of attack? Why would Tarrano....

As we embarked upon the barge, a man evidently an official of the Great City had paid his humble respects to Tarrano and then withdrawn to a further part of the vessel, drawing Argo with him. I saw the two in close conversation. The official evidently was telling Argo something of importance. I could see Argo growing indignant and then his eyes gleaming, a leer upon his cruel lips.

Vaguely frightened; sullen, with childish resentment at my superior. And over it all, my man's mentality made me angry at myself for such emotions; angry at the consciousness of my own inferiority, forced upon me now more strongly than ever anything or any one had made me feel it before. Tarrano was smiling gently. "... killed your father. I would not have had it so. Yet perhaps it was necessary.

Tarrano in retreat!... Our escape from Venia? Pouf! That was a jest. I was there on Earth merely to get you, and the Brende model. I had no thought of conquering the Earth just then. I accomplished my two purposes and left.... It was not a retreat, merely a planned departure. "But this, my Elza, is very different. I did not wish to do what I am doing now.

Tarrano who was visiting our Earth at present, they said had been chosen Master of Venus. His government desired Earth's official recognition, and asked for our proclamation of friendliness in answer to their own.