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From Tarleton it was learned that the fugitives, on their arrival at Brunswick, asserted that Washington's whole army had attacked them, and was in full advance upon the post, news which had kept the whole force under arms for hours, and prevented any attempt to come to the assistance of the detachment.

"How do you do Mr. Worthington?" she said, dropping him a little courtesy. Mr. Worthington stopped in his tracks, and it was some time before he remembered to take off his woollen cap and sweep the mud with it. "You know my name!" he exclaimed. "It is known from Tarleton Four Corners to Harwich," said Cynthia, "all that distance.

Then he whispers, "Dining at the Tarleton; Miss Prentice is with him." "Gee!" says I. Maybe you've seen pictures of this young society queen that's annexed Warrie? I had. That's why I took such a long breath before askin', "Would you take a chance?" "Eh?" says Mr. Robert. Then, as the idea strikes in, he develops that eye twinkle. "Why," he goes on, "I see no serious objection.

And, indeed, I had much ado to play my own part with any decent self-possession, though I did make shift to bow stiffly, and to say: "I see I should have brought the Iretondene title deeds with me to make you sure that I am not my rebel cousin John, Mistress Margery. Your servant, Colonel Tarleton; and yours, Mr. Richard."

Seven hundred and fifty men, mounted on the strongest horses, now hurried forward, leaving the rest to follow. At sunset, on October 6, they reached Cowpens, where three months later Morgan was to defeat Tarleton. Here several hundred militia under noted partisan leaders joined them.

"You haven't made much of a Christian of this one," says I to Mr. Tarleton. "We didn't think her one of our worst," says he, "when she was at Fale-alii; and if Uma bears malice I shall be tempted to fancy she has good cause." "Well, there we are at service number two," said I. "I want to tell you our yarn, and see if you can let a little daylight in." "Is it long?" he asked.

Miss Becky Franks was talking of it to the Shippens." Madam Wetherill sighed a little. Already the quiet streets of the town had taken on a new aspect. There were fiddling and singing in many of the decorous old taverns. Men were shouting Tory broadsides of ridiculous verse; selling places for the races, when Tarleton was to ride, as that was sure to draw crowds, or hawking tickets for plays.

"But there were really curious remains of the old Globe Playhouse, which, though hexagonal in form without, was round within, as circles contain more space than other shapes, and Bees make their cells in hexagons only because that figure best admits of junction. Before I quitted the premises, however, I learned that Tarleton, the actor of those times, was not buried at St.

"By Got, Meester Tarleton, you are as goot a judge of de talents for de war as Count Tevereux of de /genie/ for de painting! Meester Tarleton, I vill paint your picture, and I vill make your eyes von goot inch bigger than dey are!"

At this moment two other watchmen came up. "Gentlemen," said the tall stranger whom we had rescued, "we had better fly." Tarleton cast at him a contemptuous look, and placed himself in a posture of offence. "Hark ye," said I, "let us effect an honourable peace. Messieurs the watch, be it lawful for you to carry off the slain, and for us to claim the prisoners."