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When the nights were dry and clear, and puffs of wind raised the hoar frost beneath their footsteps and fell on their faces like taps from a switch, they refrained from sitting down.

Then the Caliph went up to the door of the pavilion and knocked a gentle knock, whereupon said Nur al-Din," O Shaykh Ibrahim, some one taps at the door." "Who goes there?" cried the Shaykh and the Caliph replied, "It is I, O Shaykh Ibrahim!"

"You've gotten yourself in badly, Dave," Dan remarked at last. "The fellows don't even think it worth while to come here and remonstrate with you." "For which I'm thankful," Darrin smiled. "Danny boy, I'm going to bed without waiting for taps." By morning the news of Dave's action at the class meeting was known throughout the brigade.

In fact, might it not have been Dingo?" A yelping was heard; and Jack, taking hold of the dog's large head, gave him several little friendly taps. "Dingo," he asked, "did you save our friend Dick?" At the same time he turned the dog's head from right to left. "He says, no, Hercules!" said Jack. "You see that it was not he. Dingo, did Hercules save our captain?"

Leary's back the nimble fingers of the madcap tapped his spinal ornamentations as an instrumentalist taps the stops of an organ; and she chanted a familiar counting game of childhood: "Rich man poor man beggar man thief doctor loiryer " "Sure, he said he was a loiryer." It was Mr. Cassidy breaking in. "And he said his name was Algernon. Well, I believe the Algernon part the big A. P. A."

"Yes; but the revel will outlast the day," he answered, laughing. "Tommy is in his glory now, and it will take more than taps to make him subside." "Perhaps. He has rioted most joyously. Christmas has been no empty mockery to him." Weldon's quick ear detected a ring of melancholy in the Captain's voice. "Has it to you?" The Captain sat silent for a moment, his eyes fixed on the winking fires.

He resigned then, and left the army. He was gentleman enough to do that. Now he's back. The type is common in the army, and they often come back. I expect he has decency enough to want to get killed. If he has, maybe he'll come out a captain yet." By and by came "tattoo," and finally far away a trumpet sounded "taps"; then another and another and another still.

She raised her glass, and met his in the middle of the table with the lightest of taps. He sipped. "I couldn't have asked for a nicer Christmas." "I could say the same about you." She sipped once, then slapped her glass down and stood up, adjusting her sequined gown around her hips, then leaned over confidently. "I'll soon have you joining my secret musical soirées, too." She pointed at the table.

She had started out of her sleep at those three taps and had answered, not knowing why; then she had got frightened at that wild man behind her wall, had jumped out of bed and struck a light and sat waiting until the noise stopped; then she commended her soul into the Lord's hands and fell softly asleep. The first time that he went to see her, he found the door shut.

'Our meeting must be early to-day early in the afternoon. She is not unlikely to pretend to trifle. She has not seen me for some time, and will probably enough play at emancipation and speak of the "singular impatience of the seigneur Alvan." Don't you hear her? I swear to those very words! She "loves her liberty," and she curves her fan and taps her foot.