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Then, after the Tantum ergo had been sung with vigour, the priest held up the monstrance, and I saw all those soldiers with one accord kneel down on the stone floor and bow their heads. The silence was impressive; not a word, not a cough, and not a chair moved. I had never seen such devotion in any church.

LONDON, February 28, O. S. 1751. MY DEAR FRIEND: This epigram in Martial "Non amo te, Sabidi, nec possum dicere quare; Hoc tantum possum dicere, non amo te" Fell The reason why I cannot tell. But this I know and know full well: I do not love thee Dr. Fell." has puzzled a great many people, who cannot conceive how it is possible not to love anybody, and yet not to know the reason why.

Ib. p. 340. 'Qui nude tantum hominem eum dicunt ex Joseph generatum moriuntur. 'Non nude hominem' not a mere man do I hold Jesus to have been and to be; but a perfect man and, by personal union with the Logos, perfect God.

The class that guides the destinies of Great Britain and her dependencies is far-reaching in its anticipations as it is deep-rooted in its recollections. Quantum radice in Tartara, tantum vertice ad auras, if we may invert the poet's words.

Under pretence of managing an income for the singers, they suppress half the stanzas of canticles and hymns, and substitute, to vary the pleasure, the tiresome divagations of an organ. "There they howl the 'Tantum Ergo' to the Austrian National air; or what is still worse, muffle it up with operatic choruses, or refrains from canteens.

Bold in the first onset, they cannot bear a repulse, being easily thrown into confusion as soon as they turn their backs; and they trust to flight for safety, without attempting to rally, which the poet thought reprehensible in martial conflicts: "Ignavum scelus est tantum fuga;" and elsewhere "In vitium culpae ducit fuga, si caret arte."

Benediction was the only service of our church which I knew, being the one my mother loved best and could do most of for herself in the solitude of her invalid room, but the form used in the Convent differed from that to which I had been accustomed, and even the Tantum ergo and the O Salutaris Hostia I could not sing.

This anecdote could not fail to win the especial admiration of Isaac Casaubon, who lived in an age when men believed a hat no less indispensable to the head, even within doors, than shoes or stockings to the feet. His astonishment on the occasion is thus expressed: "Tantum est hae aschaesis:" such and so mighty is the force of habit and daily use.

"By my word, sir, but it's a good and appropriate name, sure enough," said Father Ned, surveying his enormous length; "success to me but you're an Alexandrine from head to foot non solum Longinus, sed Alexandrinus." "You're wrong, sir, in the Latin," said Father Peter. "Prove it, Peter prove it." "It should be non tantum, sir." "By what rule Pether?"

The necessities of the moment were thus satisfied without present or future danger; as respected the future, he knew or believed that Verus was marked out for early death; and would often say, in a strain of compliment somewhat disproportionate, applying to him the Virgilian lines on the hopeful and lamented Marcellus, "Ostendent terris hunc tantum fata, neque ultra Esse sinent."