United States or El Salvador ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"You should have stayed, Phil; they wanted you bad in the eighth. Eliot was simply tearing things up in his frenzy to find you." "Why why, what happened?" faltered Springer, a sickening feeling stealing over him. "Tut-tell me what ha-happened, Roy." "The Porters got after Grant and bumped him to beat the band. Came within one tally of tying the score.

Pan by pan, he went up the stream, the tally of results steadily decreasing. "It's just booful, the way it peters out," he exulted when a shovelful of dirt contained no more than a single speck of gold. And when no specks at all were found in several pans, he straightened up and favored the hillside with a confident glance. "Ah, ha! Mr.

I listened while, her task long disregarded, Calliope fitted together the dates and the meagre facts she knew, and made the sad tally complete. Then she laid the picture by and stood staring at the cooking-range flame. "It ain't enough," she said, "bein' lit up ain't enough for folks, is it? Not without they're some made out o' iron, too, to hold it like stoves. An' yet "

"If you know the sheep are at Swinset, they would be allowed for in the count," she said. "I have my doubts. Mr. Hayes sent me notice tally would be taken on Thursday and he's a hard man." Grace colored. Although she did not like Hayes, he was Osborn's agent. There was much she wanted to know, but she could not ask. "Mr.

Granger had a head as red as a shumac bush; and when she carried the candle close to the beds to take another tally, there was thirteen children, sure enough, but if there wa'n't a red-headed Granger right in amongst our boys in the turn-up bedstead!

To match the limitlessly diversified character of the people, occupations, and aspirations of "these States," as yet undeveloped but vital and inclosing the seed of unguessed-at possibilities, to tally the fluid, indeterminate, outward-reaching spirit of democracy and a new world, the poet required a medium of corresponding scope and flexibility, all-inclusive and capable of endless modulation and variety.

"That's an old proverb of that planet out there. The main vault of the computer files says you were born in 3576, unless I forget. And if you ask any Earther what year this is he'll tell you it's 3876. 3576-3876 that's three hundred years, no?" His eyes twinkled. "Stop playing games with me, Dad." Alan held forth his Tally. "It doesn't matter what the computer files say.

Time and place, distance, the apparitions around the ranch, for those ghostly visitors have, at times, been seen in the neighborhood by others. And all these things so tally that they have produced a conviction in my mind that there is a prime mover in the business to be found on this ranch." "An' the prime mover?" Jake's interest had in no way relaxed.

I fancy that they know us pretty well by this time, but sometimes as we go out they make us lie to, and come on board to see that we are not taking off suspected persons, and that any passengers we have tally with those on the manifest. If they should take it into their heads to do that in the morning, it would be awkward; and I am anxious to get past without being seen.

Jacob Cluyme sniffed a little as he was ushered into Miss Crane's best parlor, it was perhaps because of she stuffy dampness of that room. Mr. Cluyme was one of those persons the effusiveness of whose greeting does not tally with the limpness of their grasp.