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It's easy as a play; every hoss-thief of 'em lives right in these yere valleys, for I hears 'em talk. All we has to do is sa'nter back in the hills, make a camp; an' by bein' slow an' shore, an' takin' time an' pains, we bushwhacks an' kills the last one." "'The way I feels about Willis makes the prospect

"An' no mistake takin' in the child, either," went on Celestina, unheeding the interruption. She saw his face soften and a glow of tenderness overspread it. "Delight was sent us out of heaven," he declared with solemnity.

I'm tellin' you because you done me a good turn onct. I guess that lets me out." "Not if I make you sit in." "You can make me sit in all right. But you can't make me talk. Show me a cop and I freeze. I ain't takin' no chances." "You're takin' bigger chances right now." "Bigger'n you know, kid. Listen! You and Jim Waring and Pat used me white.

"And I say she has a hole stove in her, an' unless it's stopped we'll be at the bottom in a few hours!" cried Jack. "The mast knocked a hole in her and she's takin' water fast. The pumps are no good, but they can be fixed with a little work on 'em." "Keep still!" the captain shouted. "You're under arrest as a mutineer." "No he isn't!" exclaimed Mr. Pertell. "This is my vessel.

'There's been a naccydent, says the Missus: 'but thank the Lord the vittles is cold! 'Maybe he've forgot the day, says the Vicar; 'but any way, we'll give en another ha'f-hour's grace an' then set-to, says he, takin' pity on the noises old Truslove was makin' inside his weskit. . . . So said, so done. At two-thirty service bein' fixed for ha'f-after-three they all fell to work.

Usually some one is responsible for their happening." What she meant by that I couldn't quite make out. Oh yes, takin' a little rap at me, no doubt. But just how or what for I passed up. I might have forgotten it altogether if she hadn't reminded me now and then by favorin' me with a suspicious glare, the kind one of Mr.

I kissed 'em both smilin' and weepin', laughin' and cryin', we all on us wuz like three fools, or three wise ones, I d'no which. And that's how I begun to keep Thanksgivin' more'n three days ahead. They come right into the kitchen and made me keep on with my work, which I did after a little, they takin' holt and helpin' me like two happy children.

He'll be takin' after you hot-foot, I reckon, an' be fer gettin' you back home as soon as he can." Joan did not change her look. "I'll not be goin' back with him," she said. Her slow, deep voice, chest notes of a musical vibration, stirred the room. The men were hers and gruffly said so. A sudden warmth enveloped her from heart to foot. She followed Mrs.

You ought to see them schoolma'ams takin' snapshots of me every time I turned around. And gushin'! Why, it was enough to make a dog laugh! Course I ain't no hero." "But that must have been some risky stunt of yours, just the same," I insists.

As his stepmother caught sight of him she stopped on her way to the stove and surveyed him with sharp but not unkindly eyes. "You've been takin' your time 'bout comin' home," she remarked, "an' I reckon you're powerful hungry. You can sit down if you want to." She was long and lean and withered, with a chronic facial neuralgia, which gave her an irritable expression and a querulous voice.