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It was a long chance he was takin'. But he went over, put the woman up behind him, wrapped the baby an' his hoss's haid in a wet blanket, an' rode away. Thet was sure some ride, I've heerd. But the fire ketched Monty at the last. The woman fell an' was lost, an' then his hoss. An' Monty ran an' walked an' crawled through the fire with thet baby, an' he saved it.

P'raps they're walkin' across to Sivin Oaks, an' are takin' in Briarwood as a 'cross-cut'." "Hush!" whispered the Preceptress. "Isn't that somebody over yonder by the fountain?" They were all three silent, keeping close in the shadow. Some object did seem to be moving in the shadow of the fountain.

They tell me over in the war your meals is often late." They ate at T-bone Tommy's, consuming a vast quantity of red meat with but a minor accompaniment of vegetables. They were already soldiers. They fought during the meal several sharp engagements, from which they emerged without a scratch. "We'll be takin' a lot of long chances, kid," cautioned Spike.

Folks'll be glad to hear this the women folks was figurin' on takin' spells an' helpin' out in the house same as the men in the garden 'pears now there won't be no need of it." Madison accompanied Mr. Higgins outside and helped him to harness up. "Look here, Mr.

"You'll prosecute no one now, you bloody informer," said he: "you'll convict no more boys for takin' an ould gun an' pistol from you, or for givin' you a neighborly knock or two into the bargain." Just then, from a window opposite him, proceeded the shrieks of a woman, who appeared at it with the infant, in her arms.

"Sakes and saints, but that was a mean position!" burst out Scipio. "I had to tell all comers anything all day. Stand up and jump language hot off my brain at 'em. And the pay don't near compensate for the drain on the system. I don't care how good a man is, you let him keep a-tappin' his presence of mind right along, without takin' a lay-off, and you'll have him sick. Yes, sir.

Well might the young expressman start at the unexpected revelation of those sparkling eyes and that demurely smiling mouth at the little window. "Mrs. Baker!" She put her finger quickly to her lips, and threw a world of unutterable and enigmatical meaning into her mischievous face. "There's a big San Francisco swell takin' my place at Laurel to-night, Charley." "Yes, ma'am."

"Jest think o' me stoppin' a lot o' French fellers in the streets o' Paris, me jest happened in from the woods fur the fust time, an' sayin' to them: 'Here, Bob, be keerful how you cross the street thar, it's a right bad spot fur wagons, an' you'd shorely git run over ef you tried it, or 'Now, Dick, that thar is the wrong street that you're takin', ef you foller it you'll land a full mile from your cabin."

"Well," said Purvis, "if that's done, ain't the game worth while?" The rest of the men chuckled and even Kilduff smiled. "Old Joe Cumberland is sure takin' it hard," said "Calamity" Rhinehart. "All day he's been lightin' into the girl." "The funny part," mused Purvis, "is that the old boy really means it. I think he'd of sawed off his right hand to keep her from goin' to Whistlin' Dan."

Pickwick; 'but if we stand talking here, we shall lose our places. 'Wot, ain't nothin' to be done in consequence, sir? exclaimed Sam, perfectly aghast at the coolness with which Mr. Pickwick prepared to ensconce himself inside. 'Done! said Mr. Pickwick. 'What should be done? 'Ain't nobody to be whopped for takin' this here liberty, sir? said Mr.