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She stood by while the tailor was cutting out the gown, and she swept down all the biggest scraps, and stuffed them into her pockets; and when she was going away, the Prince said: 'We may as well see if this old girl has not been long-fingered this time too.

I would have given a five-pound note to have seen Frank set to with that Radical tailor. Still, I dare say, if the lad had told me about it I should have got into a passion and blown him up." "I shouldn't be surprised at all," the lawyer said drily. "No. Well that would do him no harm; he knows me, and he knows that I am peppery.

"You did. You said that my tailor is the vital part of me." She laughed. "Well, you are only a carefully groomed combination of New York good form and good nature, aren't you?" "I don't know. That's rather rough, isn't it? Or do you really mean it that way?" "No, Bunny dear. I only mean that you're like the others. All the men I know are about the same sort.

The eyes of the confounded tailor for it was no other than that garrulous acquaintance of the reader who had fallen into the toils of the Rover the eyes of the good-man rolled from right to left, embracing, in their wanderings, the medley of elegance and warlike preparation that they every where met never failing to return, from each greedy look, to devour the figure that stood before him.

Hill and vale do not come together, but the children of men do, good and bad. In this way a shoemaker and a tailor once met with each other in their travels. The tailor was a handsome little fellow who was always merry and full of enjoyment.

"Because I haven't any more!" "Now, that's a pity," Ferdinand Frog told him. "A handsome youngster like you ought to have a best suit to wear on special occasions." Master Meadow Mouse looked interested. "I'd like a nice new suit," he replied. "But where am I going to get it?" "You've come to the right place!" Mr. Frog cried. "Maybe you didn't know that I'm a tailor.

There was his tailor bill, long overdue, and two accounts with dry-goods stores that Helen had run up in the days when the certainty of a fixed salary income had seemed sure. A dentist bill for work done in December made its appearance and, of course, the usual household expenditures went merrily on. The rent of their apartment was raised. Collections were slow.

The third, Caderousse, an envious tailor, had allowed himself to be made a tool of to bring to the notice of the authorities the denunciation against the young sailor which Danglars had dictated and Mondego written down. His worst enemy was Villefort, who had now become the procureur du roi at Paris.

He gives the preference to the latter, as more pliable, and behold him a tailor, cutting with the point of his knife; as for thread, it is furnished by the fragment of the sail; and two days afterwards, he finds himself flaming in a new suit. To describe the delirious stupefaction of Marimonda, when she perceives her master under this strange costume, would be a thing impossible.

"My husband is a clerk." In the bitterness of a keen disappointment, rendered sharper by doubt and fear, Mrs. Fletcher wept for some minutes. When she could command her feelings to some extent, she thanked the tailor for calling, and repeated what she had said, that the man at his house could not be her husband. "He is from Cincinnati, ma'am; and goes there once in every two weeks.