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Tafilett always, and Sous occasionally, were united to Morocco, while Fez itself formed a powerful kingdom, extending itself eastward as far as the gates of Tlemsen. The modern division adopted by several authors, is Northern, or the kingdom of Fez. Central, or the kingdom of Morocco. Eastern, or the Province of Tafilett. Southern, or the province of Sous.

This, at any rate, is better than cutting off their heads, which, from time immemorial, has been the invariable practice of African and Oriental despots. The Maroquine princes may be thankful they have Tafilett as a place of exile. The Emperors never visit Tafilett except as dethroned exiles.

Tafilett consists of a group of towns or villages, situate on the south-eastern side of the Atlas, which may he added to the royal cities, being inhabited in part by the Imperial family, and is the birth-place of their sovereign power emphatically called Beladesh-Sherfa, "country of the Shereefs."

Fez has two annual caravans; one leaves for Central Africa, or Timbuctoo; and another for Mecca, or the caravan of pilgrims. The two great stations and rendezvous points of the African caravan are Tafilett and Touat. The journey from Fez to Timbuctoo occupies about ninety days.

But, happily, they are addicted to commerce and various branches of industry, as well as war, having commercial relations with Fez, Tafilett and Touat, and the people are, therefore, generally prosperous. London Jew-boys. Excursion to the Emperor's garden, and the Argan Forests. Another interview with the Governor of Mogador on the Anti-Slavery Address.

Among the Moors generally, Morocco is now often called, "Blad Muley Abd Errahman", or "Country of the Sultan Muley Abd Errahman." The northwestern portion of Morocco was first conquered; Morocco Proper, Sous and Tafilett were added with the progress of conquest.

Formerly, indeed, the authority of the Maroquine Sultans over Touat and the south appears to have been more real and effective. Diego de Torres relates that, in his time, the Shereefs maintained a force of ten thousand cavalry in the provinces of Draha, Tafilett and Jaguriri, and Monsieur Mouette counts Touat as one of the provinces of the Empire.

Description of the towns and cities of the Interior, and those of the Kingdom of Fez. Seisouan. Wazen. Zawiat. Muley Dris. Sofru. Dubdu. Taza. Oushdah. Agla. Nakbila. Meshra. Khaluf. The Places distinguished in. Morocco, including Sous, Draka, and Tafilett. Tefza. Pitideb. Ghuer. Tyijet. Bulawan. Soubeit Meramer. El-Medina. Tagodast. Dimenet. Aghmat. Fronga. Tedmest. Tekonlet. Tesegdelt. Tagawost.

The soil of Tafilett is level, composed of sand of an ashy grey, productive of corn, and all sorts of European fruits and vegetables. The natives have fine sheep, with remarkably white wool. The manufactures, which are in woollen and silk, are called Tafiletes.

Ali, who died in 1527, and had at least, eighty male children. Mohammed, in 1691, brother of Muley Meherrez, a famous brigand, and afterwards a king of Tafilett: this Mohammed was father of many children, and among the rest Muley Shereeff, died in 1652; he had eighty sons, and a hundred and twenty-four daughters. Muley Ismail, in 1727. Muley Abdullah, in 1757. Sidi Mohammed, in 1789.