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"Attention!" cried Don, who had a "gift of the gab," as his mother said. "Ladies and gentlemen, the program for this evening is as follows: games, tea, and taffy, in the order mentioned. In the first, all MUST take part; in the second, all MAY take part; but in the third, none NEED take part."

But having come once, they came again. And the family at the Parsonage were full of hope, though Taffy longed sometimes for a play-fellow, and sometimes for he knew not what, and Humility bent over her lace pillow and thought of green lanes and of Beer Village and women at work by sunshiny doorways; and wondered if their faces had changed. "O, that I were where I would be!

Lawford stepped out upon the porch. His gaze was glued again to this vision of young womanhood; but as he stood at one side she did not appear to see him as she mounted the steps. The heir of the Salt Water Taffy King was twenty-four, his rather desultory college course behind him; and he thought his experience with girls had been wide. But he had never seen one just like Louise Grayling.

"At least," said the girl from the Red Mill, "We don't want to do anything mean to them just because they were mean to us." "Why not?" demanded Belle, in wonder. "That wouldn't be nice nor any fun," declared Ruth, firmly. "A joke yes." "Do you call it a joke on us spoiling our taffy and stealing the nutmeats?" wailed Heavy. "What else was it? It was a joke to them. There was a sting to it for us.

His father frowned at this and said: "Jesus Christ was both." Taffy compromised: "Perhaps I'll make pulpits." This was how he came to have a bedroom with a vaulted roof and a window that reached down below the floor. This window looked upon the Town Square, and across it to the Mayoralty. The square had once been the Franciscans' burial-ground, and was really no square at all, but a semicircle.

"Can you see? What's the matter?" Taffy gasped. "He's in there!" "What? the Old Gentleman?" "Yes; no your grandfather!" "What? Let me get up. Here, you kneel " It was true.

Taffy still caught glimpses of jewels and uniforms, and white necks bending, and men leaning back in their chairs, with their mess-jackets open, and the candle-light flashing on their shirt-fronts. Below, in the dark street, the bandmaster trimmed the lamp by his music-stand.

At last the magpie heard this just as she was putting a twig across, so she said: "One's enough." But the turtle-dove kept on saying: "Take two, Taffy, take two-o-o-o!" Then the magpie got angry and said: "One's enough, I tell you!" Still the turtle-dove cried: "Take two, Taffy, take two-o-o-o!"

The English, who like their taffy thick and slab, and who, if one of them happens to be the Earl of Tolloller, are not richly enough satisfied to be so accosted by letter, but exact some such address as The Right Honorable the Earl of Tolloller, all like distinctions in their taffy, and are offended if you give them a commoner sort than they think their due.

The broiled smell has at length evacuated the school-room, but a good deal of taffy, spilt in the pouring out, still adheres to the carpet, making it nice and sticky. The wind is still running roughly about over the earth, and the yellow crocuses, in the dark-brown garden-borders, opened to their widest extent, are staring up at the sun. How can they stare so straight up at him without blinking?