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And outside each luminous sphere hovers a multitude eager to pass the charmed circle and so acquire recognition. Often it is hard to separate the initiate from the uninitiate, even by those most expert. Is it difficult to comprehend such a condition as I have described, Mr. Merrick?" "Somewhat, Mr. Von Taer. The wonder to me is why people waste time in such foolishness."

There were unsuspected fascinations lying dormant in her nature, and Miss Von Taer calmly reflected that the exercise of these qualities, backed by her native wit and capacity for intrigue, could easily accomplish the object she desired. Thus she had planned her campaign and carefully dressed herself in anticipation of Arthur's call when his note came canceling the engagement.

I do not imagine society claims to be of divine origin, but were it so no one is more qualified to grace it." The blandishments of this speech had less effect upon Beth than the evident desire to please. She began to feel she had been ungracious, and straightway adopted a more cordial tone. "I am sure you mean well, Miss Von Taer," she hastened to say, "and I assure you I am not ungrateful.

"Then I'll go, and you may forget what I've said." The visitor arose and took his hat from the table. "It was only a fool notion, anyway; just a thought, badly expressed, to help my girls to a toy that money can't buy." Hedrik Von Taer gazed steadily into the man's face.

Beth's presence nerved Diana to a spirit of antagonism that quickly destroyed her repentant mood. As she confronted her visitor her demeanor was cold and suspicious. There was a challenge and an accusation in Beth's eyes that conveyed a distinct warning, which Miss Von Taer quickly noted and angrily resented perhaps because she knew it was deserved.

Her eyes shone with anger and round red patches suddenly appeared upon her pallid cheeks. Madame Cerise drew a long breath. "It used to be," was her quiet answer. "It was left her by her grandmother; but Mr. Von Taer did not like the place and they have not been here lately not for years. Miss Von Taer informed me, some time ago, that she had transferred the property to another."

Many estrangements are caused by trifles so intangible that we can scarcely locate them at all. At first the girl was very unhappy at the alienation, but soon schooled herself to forget her former admirer. Arthur Weldon, for his part, consoled himself by plunging into social distractions and devoting himself to Diana Von Taer, whose strange personality for a time fascinated him.

And I suspect that if the crowd wasn't trying to climb to you, your own position wouldn't be worth a cotton hat." Von Taer had no answer to this criticism. Perhaps he scarcely heard it, for he appeared lost in a brown study. Finally he said: "Will you permit my daughter to call upon your nieces, Mr. Merrick?" "Of course, sir." "Then kindly give me their addresses."

Let me become your sponsor for a short time, until you really discover what society is like. Then you may act upon more mature judgment." "I do not understand you, Miss Von Taer." "Then I will be more explicit. I am to receive a few friends at my home on the evening of the nineteenth; will you be my guest?" Beth was puzzled how to answer.

Merrick's former rejection of Arthur as a desirable son-in-law. But girls are wayward and peculiar in such an affaire du coeur, and none of these things might have weighed with Louise had she not discovered that Diana Von Taer was in love with Arthur and intended to win him.