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"Child," said I, seeing by Taee's countenance that he spoke in serious earnest, "it is crime in thee to slay me; it were a crime not less in me to say, 'Slay thyself. The All-Good chooses His own time to give us life, and his own time to take it away. Let us go back.

Suddenly, impelled as by a new thought, she returned to my side and said, in a whispered tone, "You told me you would speak with perfect frankness. With perfect frankness, then, answer me this question. If you cannot love me, do you love another?" "Certainly, I do not." "You do not love Taee's sister?" "I never saw her before last night." "That is no answer. Love is swifter than vril.

This speech was received with evident approval by the young Gy-ei in general; but Taee's sister looked greatly abashed. Poor thing! and a PRINCESS too! Just at this moment a shadow fell on the space between me and the group; and, turning round, I beheld the chief magistrate coming close upon us, with the silent and stately pace peculiar to the Vril-ya.

While we were thus talking, Taee's sister, it seems, had seen us from the upper rooms of the Royal Palace at the entrance of the town, and, precipitating herself on her wings, alighted in the midst of the group.

But still they are very powerful in my country, and an An has small chance of a happy life if he be not more or less governed by his Gy." "You speak feelingly," said Taee's sister, in a tone of voice half sad, half petulant. "You are married, of course." "No certainly not." "Nor betrothed?" "Nor betrothed." "Is it possible that no Gy has proposed to you?"

I began to feel at ease with Taee's charming sister, and rather startled her by the boldness of my compliment in replying, "that no An she could choose would ever use his wings to fly away from her."

When I awoke some hours later, and heard the songs of the birds in the adjoining aviary, the remembrance of Taee's sister, her gentle looks and caressing words, vividly returned to me; and so impossible is it for one born and reared in our upper world's state of society to divest himself of ideas dictated by vanity and ambition, that I found myself instinctively building proud castles in the air.