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'Pierre couldn't write himself, and I doubt very much if he had any friends who could not that I knew his friends, he said, hastily catching sight of McIntosh's severe face bent inquiringly on him, 'but like always draws to like. Archie's only answer to this was a grunt. 'Are ye no gangin' tae read yon? he asked sourly.

"It took me," said Jamie Soutar to Milton afterwards, "the feck o' ten meenuts tae howk him 'an' Jess oot ae snawy nicht when Drums turned bad sudden, and if he didna try to excuse himself for no hearing me at aince wi' some story aboot juist comin' in frae Glen Urtach, and no bein' in his bed for the laist twa nichts.

Och, ay, I'll tak' the dram, but I'll be sore afraid there's plenty o' pipers in hell wi' the devils dancing on hot coals tae their springs, and he'll maybe be well enough." As Dan put round the drink the doleful mood lifted a wee, and the lads started to tell stories.

And I've seen those same men fend for themselves in a way that was as astonishing as it was heart rending. The great thing we maun all do wi' the laddies that are sae maimed and crippled is never tae let them ken we're thinking of their misfortunes. That's a hard thing, but we maun do it. I've seen sic a laddie get into a 'bus or a railway carriage.

"Do you hear me, monsieur? I am in haste." "Ah! my prince, take it for nothing," cried Bussy, who had recognized tae Duc d'Anjou. At the same moment they heard the click of a pistol, which was cocked by the duke's companion. "Stop, M. d'Aubigne," cried the duke, "it is Bussy, I believe."

"'It's nane o' us, doctor; it's Hopps' laddie; he's been eatin' ower mony berries. "If he didna turn on me like a tiger. "Div ye mean tae say "'Weesht, weesht, an' I tried tae quiet him, for Hopps wes comin' oot. "'Well, doctor, begins he, as brisk as a magpie, 'you're here at last; there's no hurry with you Scotchmen. My boy has been sick all night, and I've never had one wink of sleep.

"Ye'll be back, Marcella. Very glad ye'll be tae come back, an' ye'll find me here, juist the same. Things change little. It takes millions of years to change everything save folk's spirits. I'll never change, till His hand straightens me oot some day for a buryin'. But ye'll be changed, Marcella, like Lashnagar things will have cropped out in ye, and things will have walked over ye."

The doctor had weakened sadly, and could hardly lift his head, but his face lit up at the sight of his visitor, and the big hand, which was now quite refined in its whiteness, came out from the bed-clothes with the old warm grip. "Come in by, man, and sit doon; it's an awfu' day tae bring ye sae far, but a' kent ye wudna grudge the traivel.

"Well resolved, sir," said Potts. "We'n tae th' owd witch, dead or alive," cried Baldwyn. "Alive we must have her alive, good Baldwyn," said Potts. "You must see her perish at the stake." "Reet, mon," cried the miller, his eyes blazing with fury; "that's true vengeance. Ey'n ride whoam an get aw ready fo ye. Yo knoa t' road." So saying, he struck spurs into his horse and galloped off.

And when he came to the words, "And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes to heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner," once more the dying man stopped him: "That micht hae been written for me, Paitrick, or ony ither auld sinner that hes feenished his life, an' hes naething tae say for himsel."