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"Yes," said the old 'whaler', as he dropped his swag in the shade, sat down on it, and felt for his smoking tackle, "there's scarcely an old bushman alive or dead, for the matter of that who hasn't been dead a few times in his life or reported dead, which amounts to the same thing for a while.

He saw the danger of the boys in an instant and plunged forward as if making a tackle in a game of football. The dog was right in front of him at this moment and six feet away. Suddenly the weight of a boy of a hundred and twenty-five pounds was dropped upon the dog's back with a force that laid him flat and gave him a start for which he was not looking.

The trouble with most persons is that just as soon as they see their way blocked they lose courage. They forget that usually there is a way around the difficulty. It's up to you to find it. If you tackle something with little effort, when the conditions call for a big effort, you will of course not win.

Accordingly, a windlass had been constructed on the edge of the precipice and the machinery had been lowered, piece by piece, by block and tackle. Such was one of the obstacles with which these undaunted engineers had had to contend.

It was just at this crisis that Miss Todd offered a prize for the best essay on "The Reconstruction of England after the Great War, and its Special Application to Women's Labour and Social Problems". It was rather an ambitious topic for girls to tackle, but the seniors attacked it with the crude courage of seventeen.

"We did not meet," interrupted Mark, "to talk so much about him." "Well, what have you done since we last met?" she asked gaily. "Whom have you met? Have you been discoursing on the 'new strength' or the 'dawn of the future, or 'young hopes? Every day I live in anxious expectation." "No, no," laughed Mark. "I have ceased to bother about the people here; it is not worth while to tackle them."

"How could it bore me? I I should like it more than anything." He smiled faintly, and held out his hand for the boots she had just discarded. "That is more than kind of you," he said. "My sister was afraid you might not want to come." "Of course I want to come!" maintained Dinah. "Oh no, thank you; I couldn't let you carry my boots. How clever of you to tackle Lady Grace! What did she say?"

Where had he been, then, and with whom was he conversing? Harold bent his head close to the broken pane and listened. "Are ye sure sartin that the young woman seen us?" inquired a rough voice not Peter's "because this is goin' to be an ugly job, an' there's no call for us to tackle it widout needcessity?" "Sartin as stalks," whispered the old servant.

I shuffled along behind him, and had time to note the box of studs, German shaving tackle and rolls of twist which lay untidily in the window ere Smith kicked the door open, clattered down three wooden steps, and pulled himself up with a jerk, seizing my arm for support.

As we were near the bank of Newfoundland, we got our fishing tackle ready, with the hope of mending our fare with cod; but the water was not calm enough for the purpose, and the fish would not bite. We passed over the Great Bank without any danger, though the wind was high and the sea rough. On the 29th of April we fell in with some icebergs.