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This weather, too, seemed likely to last for some time, and we could not think of beating about the mouth of the straits for a week or two, waiting for a favorable opportunity; so we braced up on the larboard tack, put the ship's head due south, and stuck her off for Cape Horn again. The cook's title in all vessels.

The northern entrance of this channel is about a mile and a half or two miles wide and I had no ground at ten fathoms. The report of two cannon that were fired gave new life to everyone; and soon after we discovered two square-rigged vessels and a cutter at anchor to the eastward. We endeavoured to work to windward but were obliged to take to our oars again, having lost ground on each tack.

I thought some of the men would jump into the sea and swim after the ship, which was now rapidly leaving us. We heard a shout from the vessel, but what it meant I did not know. On she went, and on, as if she was never coming back. "She'll come back," said the captain. "She'll tack again." But it was hard to believe him. I don't know whether he believed himself.

Draw three circles of different sizes on a large sheet of heavy cardboard. Carefully cut out the circles with a sharp-pointed knife. Mount a picture of some animal on each piece cut out. Fasten the pieces back in place by a single cloth hinge pasted on the back, and at the lowest part of the circle. Tack the sheet of cardboard to a light wooden frame to keep it from bending.

When he found he could not secure my attention for the school course, he gave up the attempt as hopeless and went on a different tack. He took me through Kalidas's "Birth of the War-god," translating it to me as we went on. He also read Macbeth to me, first explaining the text in Bengali, and then confining me to the school room till I had rendered the day's reading into Bengali verse.

Taking off the few things that were lying on it, Bob turned it over and began to knock the top off. When he had finished the coffin one of the fossicker's wives said it looked too bare, and she ripped up her black riding-skirt, and made Bob tack the cloth over the coffin.

She showed him, each time the boat went about, the spot which with reasonably good steering he ought to have reached. It was always many yards to windward. At the end of the passage the boat stood on the starboard tack towards a small round island which lay to the east of Inishrua. "That's Inishgorm," said Priscilla.

Carrying royals and studding-sails, the Chancellor during the last four-and-twenty hours has held a steady course. M. Letourneur is the only one of all the passengers who has re- marked the change of tack; Curtis, however, has set all speculation on his part at rest by telling him that he wanted to get ahead of the wind, and that he was tacking to the west to catch a favorable current.

"Mel-lin-ger a-hoy!" The sloop was now on its outward tack; but from it came a clear, answering hail: "Good-bye, Billy . . . go-ing home bye!" The Andador was the sloop's destination. No doubt some passenger with a sailing permit from some up-the-coast point had come down in this sloop to catch the regular fruit steamer on its return trip.

Luff, helmsman, all you can; I want to get far enough to windward to be able to run down and lay her aboard on the next tack. Boarders, see to the priming of your pistols, and be ready to follow me presently. Now, ready about again, men! Down helm!"