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Near Kanab Unats. 6 A. M. Very cold. Breakfast is prepared. I am allowed two tablespoonfuls of water for toilet purposes. I help a little with the cooking. We are to a thick wood. It is a fine, clear, sunny day, but a chilling wind is blowing. Off for Water. "We make a late start, and go on to Kanab Unats where we expect to find water. We arrive there about ten.

Serve hot with broiled steak. Belgian Eggs. Take 4 eggs, 2 cups of milk, 4 tablespoonfuls of sugar, 1 teaspoonful of flour. Beat whites separate; add flour to the yolks and sugar; beat until stiff. Beat the whites and scald in milk; strain from the milk, and set aside. Take the yolk, and stir gently in the milk until thick. Remove from the fire. Place in a dish to cool.

They give no precipitate. No peptones are found. Experiment 76. Into a four-ounce bottle put two tablespoonfuls of cold water; add one grain of Fairchild's extract of pancreas, and as much baking soda as can be taken up on the point of a penknife. Shake well, and add four tablespoonfuls of cold, fresh milk. Shake again.

180. =Cheese Pudding.= Into two quarts of boiling water, containing two tablespoonfuls of salt, stir one pound of yellow Indian meal, and three quarters of a pound of grated cheese; boil it for twenty minutes, stirring it occasionally to prevent burning; then put it in a buttered baking pan, sprinkle over the top quarter of a pound of grated cheese, and brown in a quick oven. Serve hot.

Have ready a pile of the soft inner husks of green corn and on each husk spread a lump of dough, the size of a walnut, into a flat cake covering the husk. In the center of the dough put a teaspoonful of the chopped meat with minced olive. On a large husk put several tablespoonfuls of chopped meat with olives. Roll this together and lay on them other husks until the tamale is of the size desired.

The centre, of course, might be made hot and bottled for another occasion, or to make Bohemian cream jellies. When the mould is masked, fill it with the custard, which must be half frozen; then cover securely, and pack in ice and salt at least five hours before it is served. Filbert and Wine Iced Pudding. To one pint of cream put four tablespoonfuls of sugar and two glasses of fine sherry.

Boil one hour; strain and serve, a cupful at once. One quart of boiling milk; two tablespoonfuls of flour mixed with a little cold milk and half a teaspoonful of salt. Stir into the milk, and boil half an hour. Strain and serve. If allowed, a handful of raisins and a little grated nutmeg may be boiled with it. Boil one cup of new milk, and add half a wine-glass of good sherry or Madeira wine.

You now cover the top of the pudding, first with a half glass of jelly cut in very thin slices, and over this you put the whites of the four eggs, beaten to a stiff froth, to which you add and beat in two tablespoonfuls of sugar. Put the pudding again into the stove, this time in the top, where the whites of the eggs may brown quickly. Serve cold, with cream whipped and flavored with vanilla.

The excellence of this cream depends on the coffee, which must be filtered, not boiled, freshly made, and very strong three tablespoonfuls of coffee to the half-pint. Curaçoa Cream.

This sauce is good for fried or boiled fish, boiled tongue, fish salad, and may be used with fried and broiled meats. Mix two tablespoonfuls of sifted flour with half a teacup of warm butter.