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I want you to back me up if I say I'm tired, or don't want to go on with it." Blanche Farrow felt surprised. "I don't quite understand," she exclaimed. "Aren't we going to do table-turning?" "No," said the girl deliberately. "We're going to have a séance a sitting. And I'm going to be the medium." "Oh, Bubbles! Is that wise?" She looked uncomfortably into the girl's now eager, flushed face.

It did not hold very long, even with the novelists; for the English taste this esotericism was too exotic. Somebody suggested that the old table-turning and spirit-rapping, which had homely associations, might be re-considered in a scientific light, and the idea was seized upon. Superstition pranked in the professor's spectacles, it set up a laboratory, and printed grave reports.

Having got thus far, and having entered, at Julian's word, into this present circumstance of sitting, table-turning, or rapping, or whatever you may choose to call it, he cleared any ordinary furniture of doctor's prejudices right out of his mind made a clean sweep of them.

Individually as well as nationally this gentleman, too, was prone to jump at conclusions. He lost a dear friend, and immediately proceeded to communicate with the departed by means of table-turning and rapping.

He reasonably concluded that these things could not be done 'sans l'operation de quelque Demon'. That an excited patient should not feel fire is, perhaps, admissible, but that it should not scorch either Mr. Hall, or Home, or the Huron, is a large demand on our credulity. It would be strange if practices analogous to modern 'table-turning' did not exist among savage and barbaric races. Thus Mr.

Curtis informed the audience that "table-turning" when not accomplished through the trickery of one of the sitters was frequently performed by the work of some earth-bound spirit usually an Elemental that could amalgamate with any piece of furniture, in precisely the same way as his own projection had amalgamated with the table in front of them. "Elementals," Mr.

"And what advice of mine have you put in the corner with its face to the wall?" "We have been table-turning again." "Ah!" Doctor Levillier formed his lips into the shape assumed by one whistling. "And this has been the result?" "Yes," Julian cried. "Never, as long as I live, will I sit again. Val, if you go down on your knees to me " "I shall not do that," Valentine quietly interposed.

The following theory of table-turning came to me as I experimented, from my general knowledge of psychology.

Dazzled by the virtuosity of the performers, the Comtesse exclaimed to Swann: "It's astonishing! I have never seen anything to beat it..." But a scrupulous regard for accuracy making her correct her first assertion, she added the reservation: "anything to beat it... since the table-turning!"

He said: "When I was a young man, I met some friends one evening, and we decided to amuse ourselves with table-turning. The local dispensary was vacant at the time, so we said that if the table would work we should ask who would be appointed as medical officer. As we sat round it touching it with our hands it began to knock. We said: "'Who are you?