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I was putting the lot to him for fifteen t'ousant pounds, and it would have been a nice profit in that for me. And then Denson he chaffs me and he says, 'Ah! Samuel, he says, 'wasn't you afraid my customer and me would hook it out o' the window with all your stones? I don't like that sort o' joke in pishness, you see, but I say, 'All right I wasn't afraid o' that.

Of course, I know you cannot sell fifteen t'ousant wort' of tiamonts in five minutes that is not reasonable pishness. But I could hear nothing at all now not a sound. And the boy the boy that came down to call me up he wasn't come back.

"Well, tell you say, on'y one in ten t'ousant RAAL Christians 'mong pale-face, dough all call himself Christian! DAT what Injin t'ink queer, eh?" "It is not easy to make a red man understand all the ways of the pale-faces, Pigeonswing; but we will talk of these things another time, when we are more at our ease.

Hewitt, and there was nobody there nobody! There was my leather case on the table, open and empty! Fifteen t'ousant pounds in tiamonts, Mr. Hewitt it ruins me!" Hewitt rose, and flung wide the inner office door. "This is certainly the only door," he said, "and that is the only window quite well in view from where you sat.

I haf been robbed robbed by Denson himself, wit'out a wort of doubt. It is terrible terrible! Fifteen t'ousant pounds! It ruins me, Mr. Hewitt, ruins me! Unless you can recover it! If you recover it, I will pay pay oh, I will pay fery well indeed!" There was a characteristically sudden moderation of the client's emphasis when he came to the engagement to pay.