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This I will do with the help of the Natal Zulus. Then I will destroy the natives, as T'Chaka destroyed, keeping only enough for slaves. That is my plan, uncle; it is a good one." "It is a big one; I am not certain that it is a good one. But good or bad, who shall say? You may carry it out, nephew, if you live. A man with brains and wealth may carry out anything if he lives. But there is a God.

Chadd had just contributed to a magazine an article called "Zulu Interests and the New Makango Frontier', in which a precise scientific report of his study of the customs of the people of T'Chaka was reinforced by a severe protest against certain interferences with these customs both by the British and the Germans.

"People of the Umtetwa, children of T'Chaka," he said, "draw back a little way, lest an evil fall on you, for now the air is thick with ghosts." They drew back a space, leaving us in a circle about twelve yards in diameter.

But when T'Chaka, Dingaan's brother, ordered a general massacre of the witch-finders, he alone had saved his life by his skill in magic, and ultimately fled south for reasons too long to set out here.

I have eaten the corn of my time, till only the cob is left for me to suck, and, ow, it is bitter. Ow, I am glad." Chaka, or T'chaka, was the founder of the Zulu power. Imposing as was this old-time war-dance, it is not difficult to imagine the heights to which its savage grandeur must have swelled when it was held as was the custom at each new year at the kraal of Cetywayo, King of the Zulus.

And now the Princess of the Heavens will go and set the supper, as Noie I beg pardon, Nonha is off duty for the present." Afterwards she asked Noie who was the old man with a withered hand who had spoken as the "King's Mouth." "Mopo is his name, Mopo or Umbopo, none other, O Zoola," she answered. "It was he who stabbed T'Chaka, the Black One.

Had he been a little more savage, a little farther removed from the unconscious but present influence of a progressive race, he might have ground his fellows down and ruthlessly destroyed them in the madness of his rage and lust, like an Attila or a T'Chaka.

I began to respond cheerfully to this imposing invocation. "Not so fast, Macumazahn," whispered Indaba-zimbi. I took the hint, and first held up my arm, then lifted my head and let it fall again. "He lives! by the head of T'Chaka he lives!" roared the soldiers, stricken with mortal fear.

I, Umslopogaas, of the tribe of the Maquilisini, of the people of Amazulu, a captain of the regiment of the Nkomabakosi: I, Umslopogaas, the son of Indabazimbi, the son of Arpi the son of Mosilikaatze, I of the royal blood of T'Chaka, I of the King's House, I the Ringed Man, I the Induna, I call to them as a buck calls, I challenge them, I await them. Ow! it is thou, it is thou!