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It is certainly a very interesting study." "Didn't appear to me much l'k a temple," ventured Glover. "Sh'd say t'was a kind 'f gineral smokin' room 'n' jawin' place. Git together there 'n' talk crops 'n' 'lections 'n' the like." "You must be mistaken," decided Aunt Maria. "There was the sacred fire."

"If I know anything about His Royal Highness you'll gain a fortune sooner by writing a ballad or two for this pretty songster. Make her famous as you made me with 'All in the Downs' and 'T'was when the seas were roaring." Gay's face brightened. "Faith, Dick, you've set my brain working. I'll think on't, but that means I must keep my eye on the wench."

His recantation was now complete. "Nothing; oh, nothing. T'was just my fun, miss." She surveyed him with earnest disapprobation. "You're not a very sensible young man, I'm afraid." She said this severely, and then, with great dignity, she went home. The young man lingered for a minute or two by the snow piles in front of the hotel where they had been standing.

With diamond dew the grass was wet, T'was in the spring, and gentlest weather, And all the birds of morning met, And carolled in her heart together. The wind blew softly o'er the land, And softly kissed the joyous ocean: He walked beside her, on the sand, And gave and won a heart's devotion.

Said Widow Thrale then, explanatorily: "Mother will be fretting by reason that the old soul would take no refreshment. But reckon you can't with Wills and Won'ts, do what you may! They just drove away, sharp, they did! I tell mother she took no harm, and if she did, t'was no fault of hers, or mine, I lay!" Two days later, Widow Thrale went over by arrangement to Mrs.

I give a holler an' begin t' run, but b'fore I could git away another one hit me in th' arm an' whirl' me clean 'round. I got skeared when they was all a-shootin' b'hind me an' I run t' beat all, but I cotch it pretty bad. I've an idee I'd a' been fightin' yit, if t'was n't fer Tom Jamison."

Men o' means went proodly aboot, and showed their patched clothes, where the wife had put a new seat in their troosers 't'was a badge of honor, then, to show worn shoes, old claes. Weel, was it only then, and for the first time, that it was patriotic for a man to be cautious and saving?

And there was two wee barns; and she prayed him hard to confess the marriage, poor thing! But t'was a bootlese bene, and he would not allow they should bear his name, but their mother's; he was a hard man, and hed the bit in his teeth, and went his ain gait.

No, Chief, I wouldn't call ye f'I didn't think t'was pretty sure. Yep! I think they'll come out soon's it gets real dark. Yep, I think they ben there all day. I ain't sure, but I think. You won't fail me, will you Chief. No, sure! I'll stick by. Be sure to bring three men, there's two of 'em, I ain't rightly sure but three. I jus' stirred another up. Whatssay? No, I'm 'lone! Aw, I'm awright! Sure.

There has never been any criminal process against you, except for enticing Berry away from old Granville Sykes," said Hesden. "Wal," responded Nimbus, "t'was all de same. I t'ought dey would. De udder wuz 'nough, dough. Ef dey could once cotch me on dat, I reckon dey could hev hung me fer nuffin', fer dat matter." "It was a very wise thing in you to leave the country," said Hesden.