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"Out among dem Injuns! No, sar, Marse Jim! Dem Injuns is layin' dare in dem rocks an' bushes by de t'ousand, an' all dey gotto do is rare up an' kill dis nigger 'foh he could say 'Scat! at 'em twice! No, sar; I cain't fill dem cainteens. Dey won't let me. No, sar!"

I'll clean up a t'ousand to-day say, I like your mug; you ain't no stiff, or I miss my guess, an' I'll put you, next a good t'ing, damme if I don't, an' you don't need to divvy up, neither. Dere's a chestnut runnin' in de Derby what dey call Larcen, an' I'm goin' to plank down a hun'red chicks on him."

Something in his own nature went out in sympathy to the heroic outlaw of the trap-line who never failed to give battle to the lynx. Nights in the cabin he wrote down his thoughts and discoveries of the day. One night he turned suddenly on Henri. "Henri, doesn't it ever make you sorry to kill so many wild things?" he asked. Henri stared and shook his head. "I kill t'ousand an' t'ousand," he said.

How much is three times four? And dem all answer: 'T'ree times four is twelve. And he say: 'May de Twelve Apostles pray for me! Den he ask: 'Class in geography how far is it roun' de world? And dey answer: 'Twenty-four t'ousand miles. He say: 'Good; it is not so far to God! De school is over all de time, he say. And dat is only everything of poor Mathurin. He is dead.

The Canadian Government would be no loser, nor would its despatches travel the slower. Perrault knew dogs, and when he looked at Buck he knew that he was one in a thousand "One in ten t'ousand," he commented mentally. Buck saw money pass between them, and was not surprised when Curly, a good-natured Newfoundland, and he were led away by the little weazened man.

The half-breed rolled a cigarette, lighted it, and inhaled a deep breath. "I can' do eet," he declared. "I can' do eet for t'ousand dollar ten t'ousand. I don't t'ink you fin' anywan on dis settlement w'at can dare do eet. He is wan devil. He's count all de carabine on dis pos', an' w'en he is mees wan, he fin' out purty queek who is tak' heem." "Steal one from someone else," suggested Trent.

MacAllister, but I leave you my blessing. You will catch a t'ousand dis afternoon. 'Well, we did not catch a thousand, but we caught exactly nine hundred and ninety-nine the biggest catch for a small boat on the whole north shore that summer. Curious, wasn't it?

Six two seven t'ousand. Close by; why not see major stand up like pine no dodge he head, dere. Kill all round him no hurt him! Fool to stay dere tell him so; but he no come away. Save he scalp, too." "And how many slain do you suppose there might have been left on the ground or, did you riot remain to see?"

Spike looked somewhat embarrassed. He grinned apologetically, and shuffled his feet. "I've got dem, boss!" he said, with a smirk. "Got them? Got what?" "Dese." Spike plunged a hand in a pocket, and drew forth in a glittering mass Lady Julia Blunt's rope of diamonds. "One hundred t'ousand plunks," murmured Spike, gazing lovingly at them.

Hear what he count; most red-coat. More than t'ousand warrior! British groan, like squaw dat lose her hunter." Such was Saucy Nick's description of the celebrated, and, in some particulars, unrivalled combat of Bunker Hill, of which he had actually been an eye-witness, on the ground, though using the precaution to keep his body well covered.