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I hate them newspapers; and I hate letters; and if I had my way I wouldn't allow nobody to load his troubles on to other folks he ain't acquainted with, on t'other side of the world, that way. Well, up in a balloon there ain't any of that, and it's the darlingest place there is. We had supper, and that night was one of the prettiest nights I ever see.

Now you've always been a sailor; did you ever try some other business?" "Yes, I tried keeping grocery, once, up in the mines; but I couldn't stand it; it was too dull no stir, no storm, no life about it; it was like being part dead and part alive, both at the same time. I wanted to be one thing or t'other. I shut up shop pretty quick and went to sea." "That's it.

'And now you're a-goin' off and Jim's gone seems only t'other day as you and he was little toddlin' chaps, runnin' to meet me when I come home from work, clearin' that fust paddock, and telling me mammy had the tea ready. Perhaps I'd better ha' stuck to the grubbin' and clearin' after all.

"Well, Minister, if you choose to sing dumb, you can, but I should like to have you answer me one question now, and if you won't, why you must jist do t'other thing, that's all. Are you a Consarvative?" "No." "Are you a Whig?" "No." "A Radical?" "God forbid!" "What in natur' are you then?" "A Tory."

He's somewheeres now in this same heawse. Col. But you see there are more doors than one to the place. There is a back door; and there is a door out into the street. Th. Eigh! eigh! Th' t'one has to do wi' th' t'other have it? Three dur-holes to one shed! That looks bad! Col. G. He's not here, whoever it was. There's not a man but myself in the place. Th.

The pendulum every whar swings as fur back as it did furra'd, an' the very earth hangs in space by this same law. An' it holds in the moral worl' as well as the t'other one only man is sech a liar an' so bigoted he can't see it.

"Were you calling me, Captain Hallett?" Captain Jethro shook his big head. "Callin'!" he repeated. "I've been bellerin' like the foghorn for five minutes. A little more of it and I'd have run out of steam or bust a b'iler, one or t'other. Ain't been struck deef, have you, Mr. Bangs?" "No ah no, I trust not. I was ah thinking, I presume, and I did not hear you. I'm very sorry." "That's all right.

"I thought, to be sure," said Margery, "he would have taken upstairs for his study, or the next room, one or t'other; he used to be mighty particular in old times; he didn't like to have anybody round when he was busy; but I am glad he is altered, however; it is better for you, Miss Ellen, dear, though I didn't know how you was ever going to make out at first."

Never a man to drink or what you might call royster, no way of the world but just that; but get him off to Boston, or any place where there were shells to be bought, and he'd come home fairly drunk with 'em, his trunk busting out and all his money gone. Seems cur'ous, too, for such an old rip as Dym Scraper, to care for such things; but we're made sing'lar, one one way, and 'nother one t'other.

"I thought I heard it turn the corner. Any passengers?" "No; Buck said a family, one woman and five children, wus ready to start by the Cohutta road to Royleston, but the report about the Whitecaps t'other night skeerd 'em out of it, so they went by train to Wilks, an' through that way. This outlawin' will ruin the country ef it hain't stopped; nobody'll want to settle heer."