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From the conduct of the Indians it became evident that on this occasion they sympathised with the artist in his desire not to fight, for one of their number dismounted, and, advancing unarmed towards the trappers, made signs of friendship.

He was thinking of the humiliation of his position, and how it would be more humiliating when he married Christine, should the Lavilettes turn against them which was quite possible. And from outside: the whole parish a few excepted sympathised with the Rebellion, and once the current of hatred of the English set in, he would be swept down by it. There were only three English people in the place.

Running out, he found the girl struggling wildly in the hands of her captors. Of course, he demanded an explanation, though he saw clearly enough how matters stood. "`She's my slave, said the owner, haughtily. He would not, perhaps, have condescended even with that much explanation if he had not seen that the landlord sympathised with the doctor.

Once alone, with closed doors and no critical grown-ups to listen to their conversation, the hours sped away with lightning speed, while Tom told of her own plans, sympathised with Rhoda's ambition, and let fall words of wisdom, none the less valuable for being uttered in the most casual fashion.

Socially she had a hatred of feudalism, of religious and military despotism. She sympathised with and helped the aspirations towards a wider, a more humane view of a social system, and fraternal equality and social liberty were to her holy doctrines.

On every side of me I heard the curious Canadian intonation of English speech. I found my friends at last. They were settling down with others whom I did not know into a waggon labelled "Chevaux, 8; Hommes, 40." I do not know how eight horses would have liked a two-days journey in that waggon. The forty men were cheerfully determined to make the best of things. I condoled and sympathised.

She seemed to breathe a new life as she approached her brother's dwelling. Here there would be the free reckless utterance of minds that harmonised, of souls that sympathised: instead of stereotyped little scraps of gossip about the great world, or arid discussion of new plays and famous opera-singers. She did not stop to ask any questions of the complacent porter. It was not her habit to do so.

XIV. Now when Dionysius reached Corinth, there was no one in Greece who did not wish to see him and speak to him. Some, who rejoiced in his misfortunes, came to see him out of hatred, in order to trample on him now that he was down, while others sympathised with him in his change of fortune, reflecting on the inscrutable ways of the gods, and the uncertainty of human affairs.

How delightful it was, too, to be able to give something to the person from whom hitherto she had only received. She succeeded so fully in concealing the struggle against the claims of her wearied body that Els, after joyously perceiving how faithfully her sister sympathised with her own delight, continued to relate what she had just heard.

The machine is choked up with shillings; a very foolish plan, so I always felt it to be." Mr. Sleuth spoke pettishly, with far more heat than he was wont to speak, but Mrs. Bunting sympathised with him in this matter. She had always suspected that those slot machines were as dishonest as if they were human. It was dreadful, the way they swallowed up the shillings!